Need help in choosing home practice amp


New member
Dear fellow guitarist out there, I need some recommendations on a home practice amp. Given a budget of less than S$200, would you guys choose:

1) Marshall MG15CDR ($199 at Davis)
2) VOX pathfinder 15R ($145 sale price at City Music)
3) Kustom Tube 12 (The TUBE 12 is a small combo amp with a tube preamp, utilizing a classic 12AX7 tube. I think its $120 at Esden trading if I am not wrong).


Please provide some personal reviews if you have any. Thanks so much. Cheers!
I recommend Line 6 Spider III 15 watt amp with built in effects.

4 amp models: Clean, Crunch, Metal & Insane
6 Smart Control FX (2 simultaneous) including Phaser, Chorus/Flanger, Tremolo, Sweep Echo, Tape Echo, and Reverb.
4 User-programmable channels
Tap Tempo
CD/MP3 input jack
Headphone/Direct Out for practice or recording
Custom 8-inch Speaker

Now only $155 at City Music sale.
uhm, edder, the Kustom 12A isn't a 12".... its 8". Its a 12 watter hybrid tube amp.

Its drive is on the fizzy side when put past 2 oclock... good warm od when less, good warm cleans. Warm lah.

Since I own 2 out of 3 of those amps... I won't comment on the Kustom amp since I have no idea what it looks like in the first place.

But like Tany I would also ditch the Marshall (too bad no one would want to buy mine).

The Vox is fine, but somehow, with a lack of a midrange contour control knob.. the flexibilty is somewhat limited to the tone of the guitar itself.

Other than that, the Vox makes for a nice home blues and rock amp. The tremolo effect is a nice addition for clean sounds.
ShredCow said:
uhm, edder, the Kustom 12A isn't a 12".... its 8". Its a 12 watter hybrid tube amp.

Its drive is on the fizzy side when put past 2 oclock... good warm od when less, good warm cleans. Warm lah.

ok my bad. take the Vox then.

Its a pretty good sounding amp for that price.
I also agree with Crawldaddy that the lack of a mid-range control on the VOX does limit its controlability.

Seems like many dislike the Marshall, despite some good comments. But it does seem to have more functions than the pathfinder, e.g. mid-range contour, cd-input, headphones o/p, etc....

Im surprised by the local dislike for the Marshall, despite some good comments overseas and on harmony central. Below is a uncompleted review article on guitar player on Kustom website. It seemed to have given more points to Marshall MG15CDR compared to the other 4 amps, although the VOX pathfinder is not included in the bench test.

More comments welcomed... Thanks everyone who have contributed so far.
its really up to you if you wanna believe in reviews posted on harmony central.

problem with look at paper specs buyers is that they tend to read too much and not use their ears.

actually to be honest. are you already almost decided to get the marshall before you posted? :twisted: [/list]
tcydennis said:
Dear fellow guitarist out there, I need some recommendations on a home practice amp. Given a budget of less than S$200, would you guys choose:

1) Marshall MG15CDR ($199 at Davis)
2) VOX pathfinder 15R ($145 sale price at City Music)
3) Kustom Tube 12 (The TUBE 12 is a small combo amp with a tube preamp, utilizing a classic 12AX7 tube. I think its $120 at Esden trading if I am not wrong).


Please provide some personal reviews if you have any. Thanks so much. Cheers!

Forget about MG15CDR.
Hi Edder, I havent decided on the Marshall yet. I have tried both the pathfinder and the Marshall, could'nt come to a decision. Although i am attracted by the functions of Marshall (and its brand name), harmony central reviews gives the Pathfinder very high scores (and good reviews too)

The Pathfinder has got super sweet and nice tones, although I not very impressed by its distortion/overdrive. Sounds edgy. The marshall has got slightly smoother distortion, but clean not as nice and sweet as pathfinder. Having said that, i intend to use the amp with analog pedals. So the distortion will not be a concern eventually, as I am looking to get a MI audio crunchbox.
Since this thread is here, I also need help. How about behringer GM108? I play mostly metal and rock.

Hurhurhur to throw another spanner into the works, I have tried plugging in my heapdhones into the Vox Pathfinder and I find that the sound coming from that bit is seriously horrible.

That's the reason why I use both amps, but when I need to play silently in the middle of the night, I still go ahead with the Marshall because the headphone output is reasonably good.

The Marshall also takes to pedals well. I just use an EQ to balance everything out and add an "oomph" to the bottom end which the Marshall is lacking. Not to mention the removal of the back wooden board to give it more headroom when not using headphones.
If ur willing, u can spend $86 more and get the Laney HCM30R. Its got very good headphone output and the built in dist. is good too. It takes well to analog pedals too. As for the choices listed out, forget the Marshall. Way overpriced, still crappy. The Pathfinder gets my vote. So does the Line 6 Spider III 15. Another good choice wld be the Ibanez Toneblaster 15R.
i recently got a Vox AD15VT for practise

and now, i think i've been quite indiscipline...
cos instead of practising,
i kept on playing with the Vox pre-amps and built-in effects!
imagine how fun it's!?
Why not the Roland Microcube? Or that Vox AD5?

Those record well, headphones out, loud enough for a room, multiple modes...

I enjoyed the Microcube tremendously.

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