Need help identifying really really really small practice amp...

I was looking through various posts around the forum but they only seem to discuss standard sized small bedroom amps...

Once I saw this really small amp. It was maybe 10-15cm deep, and I think it was a 6" speaker or so. Extremely portable. Sound wasn't exactly amazing, but decent for practice.

I don't know the brand. I didn't see it in a shop, it belonged to someone.

Have any of you seen anything like this? I'm thinking of grabbing one, but I don't know where I could find it.
Thanks guys, but I doubt it's those... saw those on discussions around this forum while googling for small practice amps. It's smaller and cheaper, not as high-end. I'm very sure it's a lot less than 8kg, it's more like 3~4kg or so.
Isn't that for guitar? Anyway it's smaller than that.

It belonged to a friend of my friend... unfortunately my friend doesn't talk to that friend anymore. But she says the friend said it was bought from peninsula. I guess I'll just go down and try to find it.
How about the 'mini stack marshalls'? jk. I understand you are looking for compact kinda amp. But just sharing my 2cents... get a 30watt at least. yes power consumption is high and may weigh a lil heavier but personally, I tried smaller watts bass amps & unfortunately some lower notes (as in Low B etc) aren't clear or cracky sound fr the dome itself. after adjusting the preamp, the higher octaves sounds more like guitar instead. Lower notes = more DB. More DB needs more watts. Futhermore it'll help you in future when paddle effects starts to be your toy too. Ever wonder Y the effects sounded different at the studio? whereby it took you hours to edit just to get that effect right for the song. Again, just my point to share. Cheers n good luck.
Uh actually, I'm using a Genz Benz shuttle 3.0-10T and a Zoom H4n at home for either regualar practice or quiet practice. What I'm looking for is something I can bring to NS and just leave it in my locker... in any case, the practice bass I got to put in camp is simply a 4 string and I'm not going to bring any of my effects to camp. So that's why the tiny size is extremely important. I have a headphone amp from Vox, but I want something that I can do a bit of jamming with the guitarists in camp with during admin time. Thanks for the advice though! I noticed that when my friend was playing through the tiny amp that time. It's something I can live with, though.
Isn't that for guitar? Anyway it's smaller than that.

anyway if it's smaller than that maybe it's a 10w ibanez. i used that when i was just starting out on bass. i remember a couple of really small ones in swee lee. u may want to take a look there.

just to clarify, it is a combo right. some modelling setups could also be very small.
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Yeah I do mean a combo... that Microcube looks about right. I didn't know those things even existed!

Didn't see what I wanted at sweelee... been too busy to look around elsewhere either. Thanks though!