need good pictured Chord Chart


New member
I know its abit troublesome here.. but can i know whether anyone here knows a website for Chord? and evens big pictures to show how the chords look like?? I need a clean good chord chard so i can use it as reference by printing it and putting in my file, i know i sounds very newbie but as part of my learning. Thanks!
i search in google or yahoo image search too.. but those pics are kinda small.. my guitar teacher told me theres a bigger one with pictures one.. oh well.. should i get a chord chart book from shops now? lol
I personally don't like books :P Coz must flip and stuff.
But if you'd rather that, I think Orchard's Kinokuniya sells a pocket size chord book with reasonable sized charts for references. It is about 6-9dollars.

My guitar teacher actually gave me a piece of paper with basic chords, maybe you can ask him for one if you can't find. Though I tend to memorize chords that I come across instead of using chord charts :/

Anyway, here's some. I find the graph big enough :| (Messy lol)
har! really? i should go try and go Kunokuniya at Takashimaya... I finding those chord chart best with real teacher ask me to print it out and just give me the website to search...but still cant find .. =(
Whata about those Bar Chord? i think i cant make use of them..cos i am most not familiar with that..
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