Need advice on changing pickups..


New member
Hi, I just bought a Les Paul Studio Chameleon and they run on Open Coil Alnico Classic humbuckers. I've seen many YouTube videos and majority of the guitarists who do cover songs use EMGs/Seymour Duncan pickups. I've been wanting to invest on my guitar and need some light on the benefits of changing or "upgrading" my pickups to EMGs/Seymour Duncan.

I mean, the current Open Coil Alnico Classic humbuckers are decent, just wondering if i could really get more out of EMGs/Seymour Duncans.

I play metal/rock/mexican.
attend to your needs- if the current pickups in there are able to deliver what you want to hear, there's little benefit of swapping them out.

those of us who swap our pickups out know that our current ones are incapable of delivering what we want to hear.
Just because they do so doesn't mean you have to change them.
You just bought it also, why not wait awhile more, unless you're damn sure the in-house pickups sucks for you