need a jamming studio in Bukit Timah Region

pedialite: Ya damn, quite pricey too and they damn attitude one. Room 2 the snare throw-off also screwed up. The amps in all their rooms pretty messed up too.


Blk 350 Jurong East Ave 1
#01-1237 (second level)
Singapore 600350
Tel: 65644147/81988222

It's along a row of shophouses, no idea where the market is. I've stayed at Lakeside for the good part of my life and I don't know shit about this area.

tim098: LOL stick renting? That's shit! Didn't know they charged for that. I usually bring my stickbag along so I don't really bother. I've jammed there twice/thrice? All random jams so didn't bring my cymbals with me, and I totally hated jamming there I swore never to go back after. But I did, due to unforeseen circumstances. Heh.

Borrow stick = 1buck/hour.

Attitude wise, the girl abit la.. but theres this malay dude, always blasting grindcore, hes really nice :D
pedialite: You haven't met the chinese dude yet then. Compared to him, the girl's a complete angel I tell ya. But then again, I haven't been there in a couple of years so I don't know how the staff there are like now.

predz23: Well, go ahead and try them out, I sure as hell ain't gonna stop you. But yeah, prime location. that's why I said earlier someone should liquidate them and set a new one up with better equipment and PR skills.
I think they changed people already la..

oh ya I just rmb-ed X jamming studio DAMN HOT :X

and the studio room outside the 'main hall' damn stuffy with a sour smell.. :/ personal opinion.

Attitude wise, no one can beat the legendary auntie of jurong east.. SENG CHAIIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAI!!!!!!!!!!!!

No metal, no punk, no screaming, no growling, no jumping, no more than 8 people in the room.

Only old school malay kampong music or green day cover bands.
Should be la, I last jammed there in like '05 or '06. Do the rooms still suck just as bad?

I've never jammed at X and Seng Chai before, was planning to check out X though. I'm quite fine with the main area being hot, as long as the rooms are fine. How are the gear there?
alvron's location is sweet sweet sweet. but yeah it has slowly been slipping into the point of no redemption. hahaha. seng chai. maaan, the auntie there is immortal 10000% lifeforce. forever watching channel 8 on her tv. and for the record, i have never seen her smile. but alot of veterans play at sengchai and they sound good, so, its not about the equipment, but most of the time, its the musician :D
Should be la, I last jammed there in like '05 or '06. Do the rooms still suck just as bad?

I've never jammed at X and Seng Chai before, was planning to check out X though. I'm quite fine with the main area being hot, as long as the rooms are fine. How are the gear there?

the rooms suck more than ever. the most expensive room not bad la. the other two, everything falling apart..

X studio main hall hot. studio room not AS hot.. still hot, espcially if u vocalist or drummer, and your bandmates dont wanna share the fan with you.. haha!

alvron's location is sweet sweet sweet. but yeah it has slowly been slipping into the point of no redemption. hahaha. seng chai. maaan, the auntie there is immortal 10000% lifeforce. forever watching channel 8 on her tv. and for the record, i have never seen her smile. but alot of veterans play at sengchai and they sound good, so, its not about the equipment, but most of the time, its the musician :D

the veterans are awesome, after I got banned, I still went back to check out other bands.. and its channel U la not channel 8 :) I think..

Anyway I heard seng chai studios now 0% lifeforzezz already :(
alvron is not bad actually

just that the drums are so bad sounding

for the guitar whores. i think theres one room with two tube marshalls

one is a jcm2000 and the other is a plexi i think

i cant really remember
the rooms suck more than ever. the most expensive room not bad la. the other two, everything falling apart..

X studio main hall hot. studio room not AS hot.. still hot, espcially if u vocalist or drummer, and your bandmates dont wanna share the fan with you.. haha!

Lol, kinda expected though.

And OHMYSHIT to X studio. FAN? FAN?!

alvron is not bad actually

just that the drums are so bad sounding

for the guitar whores. i think theres one room with two tube marshalls

one is a jcm2000 and the other is a plexi i think

i cant really remember

Should be room 3. The bass amp in room 2, if I remember correctly, is majorly fuked up. Prolly is still the same since pedialite says room 1 and 2 are worse now as compared to 2 years back.
room 1 bass amp fffffcked. guitar amp 1 fffffcked. room two drums ffffcked.


X studio got aircon, but not power one, not cold :/ FAN FTW!
room three is the only room that 's worth going to

but its 18 bucks per hour

not so bad with membership though

saves you quite abit of money
haha..i dun like the auntie at seng chai (last time jurong one) man...she ask me to play the drums softer? like erm..turn down ur volume...hahah i wasnt even playing anything hard...
i will never go to x jamming studio
as i nearly got into a fight on the phone with an A**HOLE
ok heres how it went
me:hello x jamming studio

the other person:den?!u think wat fish market ar?

me:(wtf?!)ok u today got open?

the other person:den?if not open will i be talking to you?

me:(surprised and starting to get pissed)ok i want the 4pm to 5pm slot(as i always do)

the other person:u think wat?!this jamming studio ur FATHER one ar?!

me:*puts the phone down*WTF!?

so i went there and asked who tha fark ans the phone
den got one ah beng so thin the body own up
i want to punch his face already
then the owner stop me
i tiao the guy 1v1 he scared
i told him i see him outside i hamtam him untill his mother cannot reconise him
so rude sia
no i DID not beat him up
neither did sweared at him
those words in brackets were those that wore running in my head
alvron is horrible, honestly save your cash and take a bus down to town area. my band used to practice there last year and it just passed. this year with a keyboardist it's impossible to jam there. they re-arranged the room and now the vocals can't be heard over the amps/drums. it's a sad excuse for $18 and a studio. and i'm talking about the best room they have.

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