My Singapore Idol Experience

madmonkeykungfu said:
twoteaspoon said:
madmonkeykungfu said:
is this a shameless publicity to generate more hits to your own blog?

just being skeptical.

yes and no. it's up to an individual's perspective. were you down for the contest? if no, maybe it can be insightful for others to read my little write-up about the experience (:

I was skeptical because it is a new blog.

It's okay. I blog-hop alot. You may wanna see my old ones here

CrispyEgg said:
and even if it is, hooray to him for having the guts to pull off the stunt.
either way, congrats dude, u must be really glad. and the blog is hilarious. it may seem cheesy from a 3rd party point of view, but hey, u had fun and once u get on screen: lets hope the whole of sg has fun too!

oh and dude, i know timothy. haha. wonder if he's gonna pull a stunt anytime soon. =| lol

haha thanks! how did you know Tim?
the pink tshirts are ladies tshirts obviously! seems the organisers anyhow whack and give. maybe some girls ended up with guys tshirts. haha
bigb00bs said:
oh my gosh!!! congrats dude!!

can i get an autograph pls?? :wink:

Suddenly I have these mental images of this dude signing his name on a pair of huge tits. Ah well, me and my overactive imagination...
must use those big ass chinese caligraphy brush... with bold black ink...

marker too small to cover so much ground.. hahahah :D :D :D
judaspiss said:
bigb00bs said:
oh my gosh!!! congrats dude!!

can i get an autograph pls?? :wink:

Suddenly I have these mental images of this dude signing his name on a pair of huge tits. Ah well, me and my overactive imagination...
walao u think too much la!!! :o :o
Generating more publicity? Well that's what all singapore idol hopefuls do what. Get more support.
Let's sell out!

but that's what singapore idol relies on - publicity. friend or foe, it's nevertheless something that today's media relies on.

like how if something didnt have publicity, people wouldn't pay $0.50 to vote for someone they might not even know.