My project band first song coliding grain

The intro is GREAT! Love all the sounds, the drums..the gtr tone , the bass....wowow! really nice on the ears!

I also enjoy the dynamics of the composition. Keeps it interesting.

The vocals , wwoo the vocals....errr...stupid question to guys are Pros rigth? Sorry for bring a mountain tortise.

Whatever it is, thansk for sharing, I really enjoy this piece, can;t wait to hear more of your stuffs:)

Hi Jeff
Nice piece there. Good voice. Good song. Keep it up. Hope the band sticks together. Lots of potential there.
Yo Jeff, let me know if you're keen to jam. Seems like a lead guitarist would be useful for a few of your songs. PM me.
are you going there is month mr ramone going to find some collectable guitars there le you wanna go? come back before theyu splash water on me, their new year la, i was walking last time and a fight broke out in fornt of the police station. new year and alchol make worst case screnio asia edition
be reminded they start spalashing water a few days before hand. wait your stingray really swim away in water hahahah, phuket have but farang prices. no point. btw i found a goldtop none reissue hahahha