2. At 1:01, when the solo horn came in, I'm a little confused which is the melody line. Did the solo horn take over from the solo trumpet and violins? It sounded louder but does not have the character of a main melodic line.
The horns suppose to be the main melody .. haha...
3. Is it meant to be a solo horn? It sounded like one but the high note is a little out of range for a typical horn player to reach.
Its not really a horn solo, for the range part.. I ADMIT!! i exploited the player's highest note.. haha.. it's the higest note a horn can reach ( at least in GPO ) haha...
4. The solo piano part with tranposition is interesting. However the sudden change of key at 2:16 back to main key and melody destroys the flow.
yea.. im having some difficulty here, what would u suggest?
1. Trumpet player needs to breathe! Adding phrasing will help.
lol, i guess i have to read the guide on sequencing for brass.
2. The strings is suffering from what we call a "sucking effect". This is an inherent problem of the sound. You can overcome that with using better sounds. Which sound module/ keyboard did you use? GPO should be able to do better.
I used GPO, i duno what went wrong.. lol..
Thx for the comments , i'll improve on it
