My nut's stuck


New member
I took my gibby LP faded to TYMC and asked them to change the nut to TUSQ or bone...

A few days later they call me and say that there's too much glue on the nut, and hammering it risks getting the fretboard and headstock wood ripped off... and that it's stuck with me for life. (PLASTIC! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO)

Anyone got any suggestions? I'm really unhappy about this...
"We'd have continued with the hammering if it weren't a gibby" lol
I think they're just afraid of damaging your Gibson ;)

Alternatively change out the nut yourself. I did it to my guitar like last week and i couldn't believe how easy it was. Just remember to get the TUSQ pre slotted ones.

Etch the old nut at the edges with a penknife and heat it up with a hairdryer.

Then use a screwdriver and a hammer and knock the old nut out at part where it meets the fretboard.

Then all you need is some 1000CW sandpaper and a heck lot of patience to sand it to fit.

Get the pdf file on nut change at the Graphtech webbie.
don't use superglue, i find elmer's white glue to be effective without being overkill. i use 2 small drops spread evenly.
Hmmm... Is there anyone else I can ask to do this for me? I suck at DnT stuff... last time I tried to make a pelican shape in a block of wood i busted the saw blade... and the wood lol
don't use superglue, i find elmer's white glue to be effective without being overkill. i use 2 small drops spread evenly.

I was actually considering white pvc glue (sold at the stationary shop). But i just heck it and used that 'OK 3 seconds SuperGlue' as i couldn't get my hands on woodglue. Just hope that it isn't too hard to take down next time. :???:

But plastic nuts are harder to take off than bone yes?

Btw i thought Gibbys come stock with TUSQs?
easy/hard to take off i think has got more to do with how much glue was applied in the 1st place and how they were applied. i only put 2 small drops of glue closer to the center of the nut slot, so that in future if i have to replace the nut, i just have to "dig" the nut out from the side, and it will come out with minimal force, because the outer edges do not have glue. you don't have to glue the entire surface of the nut for it to stay firmly under normal use.
2007 one came with plastic... it's white, smooth, has no grain whatsoever... seems plastic enough to me.

I guess you could get the pros to do it if you're not confident enough. But there's always a risk of damaging the finish at the headstock regardless of whose doing it IMO.

Btw, i failed my DnT so i took FnN. If a technical retard like me can do it..

IDK. Its a pretty expensive guitar. Just ignore this post. I'm probably making no sense.

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