my neck pickup just died?


New member
the neck pickup on my sg has been working fine since the day i bought my guitar (3, 4 months ago) but lately when i play, the neck pickup would just die off(no sound). it would be fine a while later. it's not the amp i tried it on other amps. the middle selection and the bridge works fine. what's the problem here?
sounds like could be a problem with your pickup selector switch

does it come back to life when u jiggle the pickup switch? might be bad/dirty contact points.
if that is the problem, buy some electrical contact cleaner (it comes in an aerosol can, u can get it from Challenger Superstore or IT places) and spray it into the pickup switch. jiggle it around again and see if it helps.
try grabbing your guitar by the neck and slamming it to the ground a few times

if that dont work, send it to the guitar tech

just kidding. seriously, just bring it to a repair shop for a look. replacing a switch or fixing a bad connection should cost you less than 20. but if the pickup is really spoilt, expect to shell out a lot more than that for changing a pickup
i have the same problem with my epiphone sg. the neck pup is completely off, even after fixing it a few times it comes back again. my guess would be the pickup selector, imma go back and get it changed.
daryl said:
yes precisely i'm quite upset by it. haha. seems like standards have dropped.

Just a qn: Have you dropped your guitar while playing or bang against something hard?
the pup selector switch is a common problem area for epiphone and gibson, first thing i would do is to replace it to avoid excessive heartache.
Yups, a 3-way selector onli cost $12-$15 & the installation fee probably $20-$40 & it could save you a whole lotta trouble :wink:
daryl said:
RazrAsh said:
is yours an epiphone sg??

it's a gibson sg standard.

wow.. ok.. i think epiphones last longer than that.. i bought mine second hand and they were still working fine every after about 4 years of use...
only changed the whole electronics setup recently, as in the vol and tone pots and pickup selector.. my epiphone has lasted 4 years, and ur GIBSON lasted only 4 months... shows the quality doesnt it...
sometimes the wiring on the 3 way selector is affected by the back cover...more oftern than not its the damm 3 way switch itself...get a new one (original from Davis) and get Beez g77 2 ewire 4 u..worthwhile investment... DONT GET THE CHEAPO original