My first try on a metal song


New member
Hello everyone... i was bored so i decided to try out making a song.. anyway, the recording is not very good as i put the mic next to the amp, and i dun have a vocalist lol... hope its not too bad. oh yeah and for the drums and bass i used guitar pro :P

please leave any comments! i wanna improve my lousy writing skills :?
oh its cool... how did you record this? mixdown or just record "what you hear" while playing the guitar and the guitarpro track?
hmm... basically i was free so i played around with my guitar in dropped d.. then i just made out a few riffs put them together, den i did the drums and bass on guitar pro. After that i recorded the track onto mp3 format, then i put it in acid pro and i recorded the guitar parts in sync.. pretty suck recording though.. i just put the mic next to the amp
oh i see, acid pro...

The track itself is not bad actually, quite fierce like marty friedman's earlier stuff. Haha the tapping could be a lil lil bit cleaner though.

Try bringin' the volume of recording to + 0dB or less maybe -3 or 4dB cuz i hear a lot of cracks/noise in the recording. btw, what mic did you use? those logitech chatting ones? :twisted:
ah ok... i personally like your track.. haha... it gives a sense of panic with all those desonant notes...

it actually have a very slight oriental feel ala marty, just very slight... i can imagine this track on a final fantasy movie battle scene... haha sounds close to one of the track from the Advent Children soundtrack..

very good actually for a first attemt.. i only wished i could wrote like ya! :wink:
Hey man,

Good song you have there, but I find it lacking abit in originality tho.. Maybe play around with the drums more?
haha yeah sorry... i dunno lah guitar pro mah.. i anyhow spam one..

wah Lamb of god sound alike....... \M/ Rock on!

so true.. i'm a damn big LOG fan.. so the style is alot similar lol

Hey man,

Good song you have there, but I find it lacking abit in originality tho.. Maybe play around with the drums more?

thanx man.. but i'm not a drummer so i dunno how the drummers do it.. i just put whatever in :oops:

thank you all for your comments!