My band Ask Me Again got songs,lol.comments please =)


New member
Hi, i am one of the guitarists from a band called Ask Me Again which is based in malaysia, just thought i would share some of our recordings with u guys to see what you guys think. Unfortunately our vocalist just left due to certain reasons but we are currently looking for a new vocalist. Anyway heres the link to our channel V amped page where u can listen to some of our stuff.Cheers.

link =
haha, he got no more passion it seems -.- hahahahahahaha, oh well..... we've found a new singer , he's indon chinese .....the dude can sing, but got abit of a n indon slang,hahahaha. lotsa new songs, too bad can't record them, exams goin on,haha.
haha, yea malaysia as stated in our myspace and amped. but my guitarist met this indon dude in college, so yeah....haha.