Music in Singapore?? Are you sure?

actually, the monthly gathering at EarShot is a good start. once we stabilised the gathering, i will introduce different aspect of music making. we take baby steps lah, unless someone want to help me? :lol:
well, slogan to me don mean anything, the content does. but for people who reads slogan, does not really glue everything together... but lets put that aside...

for your information.... classical music and other genres do not have their forums except soft... other than the yahoo user groups...

pls check before making sweeping making statments...

Cows do not moo for no reason....
kevinlimse said:
But are you sure this site reflects the music trend and culture in Singapore? I think that is over- rated...

pls check before making sweeping making statments...

Cows do not moo for no reason....

Hmmm..... I don't see shredcow or blackmoo anywhere on this tread.... Jokes aside.

I didn't know that Soft has gone platinum and winning awards for championing local music?? Although that definately have my vote! Who has rated what??

Who is making the sweeping statement here. Check your provocative title and opening post, and contradictory replies.

There are ways to be productive, and kindly sir, yours is just plain 'opening an arguement just for the sake of an arguement'.

Why not suggest to the webmaster to open more forum groups covering what your intention to be. And be a leader yourself. Post actively on those forum, providing information, news and tips. Invite people to join in by advertising on other free classifieds and forums.

Soft needs substance, not plain arguements only.

Anyway, I do not see any more progress to be made in this tread, thus I shall not dwell further here. Asta la Vista baby.
i believe you could give james a pm and discuss what are your views about it, even try to suggest or help out if possible. What's the point of making your stand and trying to argue with softies here? You want answers and changes, go put in effort, find out and do it not just N.A.T.O. here
hmm...... :roll:

i remember sumthing as i read all the posts here....... 8O

a few mths back, there's no bass n vocal own forums sections......... :cry:

only guitars, drums n keyboards....... den sum1 request it n sum of us voted 4 it....... den we got bass n vocal forums sections....... :D

so regarding other insturments, i dun think there will be any problem of having them as long as there ARE ppl who r interested lor....... :o

if i'm not wrong, there's a numbers of softies r into classical n jazz music. 2 ...... :)

anyway........ no hard feeling hor........ :wink:

Did I say I wanted it to change?

I was merely questioning the motives, broadening the horizon and playing devil's advocate.

If you all were truly music finatics. See that I used Music finatics not some genre of music specifically.

Embrace it. And I am not saying you all are not.

It is a statment not a comment.

Secondly, your response makes me feel good as a music critic. I know now softies are protective of music. I can safely say I can pick any of you guys here and represent Singapore music. Speak the passion. State the facts.
mikemann: u spelt definitely wrongly. its a really simple word to spell but lots of pple spell it wrongly. but since this is an ONLINE forum, i guess everything read-able goes.

but anyway, it looks likes somebody's really bored and bitchy today. i mean, its just a damn slogan. so what if there arent all pple from all the genres here? they obviously dont know about this site yet.. i sure hope they arent all as bitchy as you are...

another example is BrainFailure who is into chinese rock......... n through her topic, i get 2 noe a lots of upcoming China bands .......

basically, i dun noe any classical or jazz players......

wonder if u care 2 start a topic abt them so tat noob like mi can get 2 noe such music more?........ :wink:

kevinlimse said:
if it was do- able.... will have done it....

if you don't think it's do-able, then why are you pestering James abt it?? Want someone else to be the matyr?

Let me tell you, if James DOES do something about diversification, it will be out of the interest of the local scene, and not because you badgered him to do it.
DoubleBlade said:
So SOFT should embark on a revolution to reach out to jazz and classical musicians?


these people, as correctly mentioned before, are predominantly mature adults. This begs 2 questions:
1. Will they have as much time as us to participate in chatter in Internet forums? Perhaps this alone can explain the imbalance of demographics.

2. In the event that these mature adults should log on, and see the abundance of nonsensical noobs here, will they want to stay?

IMO James, your approach should be two-pronged, if you really want to diversify - You gotta modify this forum to cater to the taste of mature adults, while simultaneously reaching out to them.
Not easy mind you, but a worthy cause. Let me know if I can be of any help.
I'm taking a neutral stand here since I appreciate classical/jazz/rock/metal music. In order to set up a forum thread for say maybe classical and jazz musicians since we all know that SOFT is lacking in these musicians , we should first do something to attract classical/jazz musicians to SOFT.

Don't tell them ,"Come to SOFT because it is singapore's largest music forum" but rather tell them this , "We the people of SOFT intend to create a forum section specially dedicated to musicians who play other forms of acoustic instruments and we need all the support we can get." By telling them this , at least it often better than an acoustic musician coming to SOFT and only to find himself talking to the wall.

I'm not saying you need to know something about classical or jazz music. Even if you're a total noob in these 2 genres of music , it does not really matter as long as there is some form of healthy interaction taking place. In fact it would be a plus factor if you're a noob in classical/jazz music because if James somehow manages to set up a forum section dedicated to acoustic instruments , you will definitely be bound to ask questions like ,"What's the difference between a Viola and Double Bass disregarding the sound produced" which in return adds value to SOFT.

I feel as musicians we should not be stuck on one kind of genre of music alone. Just because we are comfortable playing one genre of music , it does not really mean that we should just stick to it thus restraining ourselves from other kinds of genres the music world has to offer us. If we cannot play a certain genre of music , does it mean we have no right to listen to them? Or will your peers find you gay if you started listening to other genres of music that does not appeal to them? Peer pressure in the making? It's still music nonetheless. I'm sorry if I may sound harsh but there are people in this island we call Singapore who have a narrow prospective of music. Just because they can play rock music , they can diss classical or jazz music as plain rubbish , I think that musician should not bear the title of a musician at all!!!!

It's okay to play rock music but when you start to cross the line and you start to diss other genres of music and rating your genre of music played as being superior from the rest , it really gets on my nerves. Luckily SOFTies here don't diss other genres of music and I'm not talking about hard rock being superior than punk rock but rather rock music being superior over classical or jazz....
Same thing applies to classical musicians as well in terms of the way they view rock/metal music as....

I guess you can take my vote for sure when it comes to deciding on whether or not to put a forum section dedicated to the acoustic musician....
Vaiyern : Then I guess that would need a lot of brainstorming to do.
What I'm more concerned about is how to attract more classical/jazz musicians to participate actively on SOFT should a new forum section be created. I don't want these musicians to log onto SOFT and only find themselves talking to the wall.

We need to do something to promote healthy interaction between the classical/jazz musician and the rock musician and also get active members of SOFT who have a fair knowledge of classical/jazz music to serve as role models. Something like if a classical musician were to post something , at least these "role models" be there to answer their queries and not make them feel as though they're talking to the wall.At least this "role model system" should be implemented until the new forum section is stable. To make the acoustic musician forum section a success , it is also in the line of responsibility of the SOFTies here engaging in rock and pop music to interact with these musicians as well. Do not be afraid to be curious , it indeed does pay to be curious....

I'm pretty sure that one of James motive when creating SOFT is for musicians to learn from one another. Being a rock musician , isn't interacting with a classical/jazz musician still considered as learning something? :roll:
I'm certain that all of us have a natural curiousity to learn about diff genres, but I'm not sure if compelling pple or making it their "responsibility" to participate in discussions is the right thing to do.
I think afterdeath put it well; if there's a demand, there'll be a supply. half a year ago, there weren't as many forum sections.
I notice we've also got a couple of dudes regularly posting singing tips, so that's the lead to follow if you want to promote your particular niche.
it's all up to James now

hmmm...don't say that...that puts a lot of pressure on him! hehe... what's been said and done...we need the point in creating separate forum headers if there's little or no demand for it. Although, maybe we can start one under 'classical', and 'jazz'..since alternate to the rock scene aside, that's the two scenes that i see flourish in Singapore..yupz.. =)
thanks all for a good start....

appreciated... :lol:

so... james !!! if u need help on this new i can feel it, impending forum, pls msg me... thankies... my help is open and universal.

pm me... hee hee...