Music Attack! - Gig Opportunities 2007

the first and only time i played there my band played about 6 songs and Luke the soundman asked us to play some more, so i really think it's about being able to play good music and establishing good rapport with the staff first. You can't just go in there and expect them to serve you especially if you're not a big name act or you don't buy enough drinks for them to care. Make friends first, do you honestly think people are there just for your benefit? I personally saw Luke fixing up an amp head that had been vandalized, and he deals with so many bands that i think he's probably just tired and he'll assume you're one of the crap ones until you prove otherwise.
+1 bboy2388.

the soundman (i forgot his name) was nice to us when we played there too.. its all about the rapport :)
If he is a soundman and he has double or worst more standards for all bands,then it really ain't fair.
He should do his duty or job well and we should not just point out to figures and statistic how many bands played there. Well,that is what the management wanted.So,it is clear that he is not the right man for the job.
dude we didnt even do anything, shit man i was just standing at the back door and the soundman asked me to "move out of my fking way" and i even said sorry to him. whats worse, when my band's slot was 730 so we went up the stage, on to be later asked to move off the stage by this guy cause another band swapped place with us, okay, fair enough the band was bloody awesome but someone could have told us first right? whats even worse is when we were going off the stage, the soundman said this to us "GET OFF THE FKING STAGE NOW, GET OFF THE FKING STAGE."

anyways, we had a great time during our set, thanks everyone else who made our day.
i don't know why people get so offended with the word "f*cking" or "f*ck" now. everyone (especially if you're in the scene) seems to treat this word as another word in the damn dictionary. nothing much, nothing less.

and Luke being a foreigner, he definitely IS used to using such a word. like i said, it's just another word in his dictionary.

as for "GET OFF THE F*CKING STAGE NOW", why don't you take the f word out and it might just sound nicer? because at the end of the day, it's still another common word in all our dictionaries.

just my 1 cent worth. =/
Seriously, the caucasian dude, he's a big ass, and if he reads this, he's prolly not give a 2 cent shit about the people saying shit in this forum. He'd prollly be laughing at what we're saying about him cause he thinks he's a notch above the rest wear the same clothes hat and sunglasses 24/7. Oh well. I really hate gas haus. wahahahahaha he once asked my drummer if he wanted to buy cymbals from him hahahaha when we knew where he was getting the cymbals from and we could get the cymbals he offered us from the same place cheaper then what he wanted to sell it to us for. So thats how i know he's in for the money.
And the bartender. He's a friggin asian, and for some reason he has this fake slang which is annoying. hahaha and of course he's UBER skinny. ahahahahahaha. I also think, they know memphis will be laid to waste by heart. I'll never play at gas haus ever again. IT ISSSS AAAA NIGHTTMARE.
cheers caucasian dude and fatty. :wink:
attitudes and be-attitudes

Hi there,

As an uncle who was at the recent gig, I want to applaud all the bands who played there! Ok, not all the styles I like, but I like that fact that you guys do it with a passion.

I agree that you should NEVER used the F word when dealing with people who are not your friends (i.e. soundman to bands, bands to audience, etc). It doesn't matter if the word is not "common" or not. it's just rude.

But I also noticed that a lot of the bands attitudes seem (to me) to be a little too atas at times. Yes, I agree the place needs to make money, and yes, I agree that all those people who are unhappy should just be PROACTIVE about it: organise your own gig then!

I used to do that and I know both sides of the coin, so the idea is: BE NICE TO PEOPLE AND PEOPLE WILL BE NICE TO YOU. Amd if people are not nice to you, YOU STILL CAN BE NICE TO THEM.

Here's a response to DoubleBlade's 'CHECKLIST TO GAIN RESPECT'

I treated their place and equipment with respect, thats for sure. Why stop there? I was even NICE to the people at the door!Heh, I dont smoke and I definately didn't litter or spill drinks all over the place like some crazed mad man. But hey, I guess the bartender likes spilling coke all over the place (including on me) on purpose.Now who is lacking respect?
Definately not me.

In-house food and drinks:
I've only been to Gashaus like twice, and twice on those occasions it was because my band was doing a set there. And Hell NO, I dont remember my organiser saying anything about having to purchase food or drinks while Im there. Personally, I never feel like eating before my sets. But neither do I buy stuff from 7-11/LJS or wherever if I do. :lol: Does that mean the people have the right to 'treat me with disgust'? Considering I didn't buy any food from outside, do I even qualify to be a 'Cheapo'?

Didn't think so either.

We, (I speak for us amateur musicians) are suposed to be there to perform. AND Sure, there's nothing wrong with buying food and drinks there. But if you cant respect my decision to not buy food, You're gunna start being a total Dickhead to me!? Thats like saying, you get into a relationship with a girl and she refuses your offer to marry you when you propose. Then you start being a jerk to her all your life?

Like YOU said, grow up, this is life. Not everybody is rich and likes to squander money recklessly, at least we're doing what we can to help Gashaus by bringing people there(and ourselves at the same time, of course :lol: ). But hey, maybe the people there should also learn to 'grow up' since they cant accept that some people just dont want to eat.

No offence but really, Gashaus isn't my kind of place. And if it wasn't for my set, I wouldn't even bother to be there. Much more, buy food there. So yeah, you're not the only one who wants me gone from Gashaus. No need you to invite, I also wanna chao by myself.

Finally, after reading your post, I guess now in the 'adult' world (since you speak of growing up), the conclusion would simply be: Money + purchasing food/drinks = Respect. Wait,WAIT! even better, Money is Respect. I sure learnt alot from you there.

Peace and love
<3 Mo
When I say the"adult world" I'm referring to harsh realities of life. Accept it and stop whining. Period

Peace and love dude.

Chao :)

I'm referring to you leaving Gashaus that is....
:lol: Right...That still doesn't change anything that I've stated above. I Think you got me wrong. Im not here to put you to shame, that would be pointless and childish. But Neither am I whining, like all my other posts on this forum, I'm merely raising awareness amongst people and ultimately doing a service to improve the 'local scene' (as you would call it.)

But its good you finally saw it from one of us Cheapos' (as you would refer me as) point of view. At the end of the day , you still cant prove what I have stated otherwise. That just goes to show Im not talking just to save my face. But that these are RAW facts.

And yeah, I've already 'accepted' the 'harsh reality' and left Gashaus on the 11th of march after my Set, not to worry about that. :wink:
shut the fuck up la,GASHAUS seriously you think that you're a regular SOFTIE member with lots of stars can anyhow say pple lah?!?!fucking hell delay the gig till 5pm and making me stucked at sunshine plaza with wanton mee...fucking $10 per tix at fucked up place
So how much do you suggest to price your tickets at if you organise your own gig?

You notice I'm not flaming you back? I'm just asking you a question....
stop it la seriously.

this has been ongoing. if you really dont like gas haus, then get your pissed off band somewhere else better to play la (if there is).
rather than to whine abt the place, the price, the owners, the organisers blablabla.

xtreme music productions is good.

gas haus is good.

$10 is reasonable considering the fact that Gashaus is located in Bugis and the rental is not cheap and also they are running a business , which means they have to cover overheads , expenses etc and I won't be surprised if they have a sinking fund account to meet future unforseen expenses like equipment suddenly breaking down , pipe leaking etc.

What is your target audience turnout and how many bands do you expect to have?

Try to visualise....

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