music and teens

The reason why the mainstream teenagers listen to emo is not really the fact that it is the latest rage on MTV now or anything but rather their lyrics are based on teenage life which obviously reflects the life of an average teenage youth in Singapore.

Singing about a lost love is fine but to actually claim their lyrics are poetic and literature? Victor Hugo ought to give them tuition lessons.

Mutual love among humans are by far one of the strongest feelings a human can experience (esp during puberty) and sometimes these emo bands are all just out to exploit that human feeling to their advantage.

I won't be surprised if all these emo bands on the radio start to laugh their guts out while every minute , every second money is flowing into their bank accounts at the expense of teenage suicides.

They may be emo onstage but who are we to know that they are emo OFFSTAGE?

So why is the suicide rate among the age group of 13-16 ever so increasing?

You guys decide.... :roll:
teens being the most open minded and the easiest group of people to influence, will accept whatever the media feed them. And our media tends to be pro-western culture.. Hence they imported the new waves of emo , brit rock rap.. Its just absolutely natural for teens to listen to them, they're not posers for doing so.. u cant stereotype people to be posers because of what they listen to. You wont know if someone is a poser until you met him and know him well enough.

and besides posers arent just restricted to the emo scene, there loads of them especially in the metal and punk scene.
chester277 said:
i guess everyone's entitled to their own opinion.

and soft is 50% people's opinions and 50% flaming people's opinions.

and that's juz my opinion :D

i quote myself. and for good reason.
let's post our own preferences, that is if you are in the 'TEEN' range - thirTEEN to nineTEEN.

dont post what you think of other people.

hey thanks for your replies peeps. really appreaciate that so much. nah, im just asking out of curiousity. yea. i'm 19 btw. heh =)

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