Muse rocks the indoor stadium


New member
Damm, yesterday was a good one by muse...all songs are played well..

Thanks Muse..btw to the gal who put the sign "Matt Pls **** with Me" ...hahah let matt think abt it again next time.
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Damm, yesterday was a good one by muse...all songs are played well..

Thanks Muse..btw to the gal who put the sing "Matt Ple **** with Me" oh maybe next time right matt will do after he thinks abt it..hahah enjoy the show..

Damm your english rocks so much that I have no idea what you just said.
The concert was great! But they didn't play New Born though :( But as for all the other songs, well played!

<3 Muse.
Awesome Laser lighting!! And the LED-esque background screen!! Although nothing comparable to their european and american shows, it's good enough for us ( and LAMC's budget hur hur).....I haven't seen fist punching and finger pointing in almost perfect unison since LKY leading the Merdeka chant!!!
what he meant was a lady carrying sign saying " F#5K me matthew" matthew replied "i'm thinking about it"
The laser and led background was freakin awesome tho the laser was slightly trippy. Really really awesome show. Queuing up at 1am was definitely worthit!
thanks guys, btw i was just too excited tat i type so fast dat i didnt even check ma the topic here is not abt english corrections or understand or not...its abt MUSE SHOOKED THE INDOOR STADIUM with our outstanding crowds....


Wah lau... As usual, HAS to be a STOMPer.
Freaks, I think LAMC already made it clear that the first band started at 7 and that it would end very late, and that Saosin and Rise Against are the supporting bands. Wasn't it made very clear already? I don't see what's up with that joker. At least, from what I read, he got to sit down. I was standing in Pen A, for the whole 5 hours (7, if you count the 2 hours standing outside, queueing) and he's complaining?!

Back to topic, I must say that the band that really left an impression on me wasn't Muse, but Rise Against. Their showmanship and fan appreciation was really good, and the way they performed, running/jumping around the stage really knew how to build up a very energetic performance. I wished Muse did the same. I was standing to the left of the stage the whole time, and while I got good glimpses of Chris Wolfstemholme and Dominic Howard, I didn't even see Matthew Bellamy. He was pretty much confined to the right side of the stage all the time.

Saosin was a joke though - major disappointment in my opinion. They sound a lot better on record then compared to live.
Wah lau... As usual, HAS to be a STOMPer.
Freaks, I think LAMC already made it clear that the first band started at 7 and that it would end very late, and that Saosin and Rise Against are the supporting bands. Wasn't it made very clear already? I don't see what's up with that joker. At least, from what I read, he got to sit down. I was standing in Pen A, for the whole 5 hours (7, if you count the 2 hours standing outside, queueing) and he's complaining?!
stomp is where straits times dumps pariah wannabe losers who cannot make it as a real journalists. this kind of shit proves it. i can write one letter to ST forums thats good enough to be published in print and it will be more meaningful than a stomp guy's entire life's work.

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