Most bands can relate to this...

hahah i love that cartoon!! far side right?

aiyaa it means...the sound technician can determine how u sound. get a good one.
how wud it be if have the Excellent knob.
hmm... how do one relate to this...
sorry but i'm really bad with depicting pictures.I understand better in words...
help u repost:
The cartoon is saying that a sound technician can really screw up a band's sound, no matter how well they are playing. The 'suck' control knob is just a representation of that point. :cool:
haha damn funny... been a soundman b4 and most soundman's don get the respect they deserve from bands who think they know it all, but then again sometimes its true we all get sucky soundman who r lazy who just think got sound ok already. Live sound mixing is a very high committment kinda job. Gotta be there early make sure u give the band a good sound during their rehearsals n make sure u know the songs they gonna and bring out the dynamics of
the band and how to know this make sure be there for rehearsals

its good for an instrumentalist to study out of his own instrument n get in touch with his surroundings. if not he/she will always be a frog in da well.

so i think we should all respect each other n guess everyone will be happy end of day

oops did i say too much out of context regards to the cartoon? haha sorry ah
Different genres of music have different sound qualities. Some soundmen are good for rock music but sucky at other kinds of music. Good soundmen should be well versed with different kinds of music to bring out the best sounds for all genres and different stage settings and accoustics.