
I was thinking the same thing. How hard is it to get the wood? Can´t they just substitute it for another kind of wood? Ahhh..... anyways, i did manage to find a guy selling a pair of NS10s in an advert. Called him up and said he just sold it d day before. ´How much for´ i asked. ´60 dollars´ he replied.
i am jealous. 60 bucks for a NS10: must be about 10 years old with mickey mouse stickers on the side.

Anyone knows how much an event PS5-8 costs?

the 20/20bas clocks in at 1.6. Too much for a hobby eh ?
DId i mention that i d ns10s already SOLD to someone else! Yeah man, i actually scolded the guy for selling them so cheap. I said ´don´t you know they are worth more than 60 bucks?!!!!!´ But of course, if it was me buying them then no complaints! hehe :lol:

Yes, the event 20/20s. A famous DJ in spore uses them and swears by them. He read in SOS mag about the event´s and they had a perfect rating so he bought them without even testing them out yet and said they rock. 1.6k is quite high price tho. Wonder how much genelecs and mackie 826 costs....
I checked for mackie 624s just a while back. They´re going at swee lee for 1.9. Thought the prices would´ve gone down thanks to the bad economy, but no ..... :cry:

I tried a PS 5 today, and it must´ve been the noisy shop. but I wasn´t too impressed. The krk 4s on display didn´t seem to have much high end, but then i was shoulder surfing the guy trying it.

Think i´ll stick to some lower end models.
I had a pair of Behringer 2031´s ..Bought for 1150 and sold for 550...Hard to sell..It was almost 2 years old...The speakers started giving up cracked sounds when played at high volume level....

Hence..Now I bought a pair of Roland DS-90a..24 bit Digital monitors from US for a price of S$1200 a pair inclusive of shipping...Sounds sweet and ofcourse ! branded....

Cheers ! :wink:
Genelecs? if you can, try before you buy. the genelecs have a sound that you either hate, or grow to love. i used to hate em, untill i realised they were just showing off my crappy mixes. :?
It really depends on your room's accoustics. And whether the speakers/monitors artifically enhance your mix.
I have Alexis Moniotor Ones(Passive) which i bought 2nd hand for $450. Though it enhances the sound. but what do I care? i'm doing video!

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