Money Order to be sent overseas?


New member
Just curious, I might be asking my cousin to get some stuff for me from the local music shop and I was wondering about this option and whether I could/should take it up.

Anyone has done Money Orders to US before? And would you advice against doing up a Money Order and instead advice me to transfer via PayPal instead?

Many thanks!
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u can try your local post office to raise the money order for u. charges are quite expensive iirc. and u can send it via registered mail to prevent loss.

other option u might consider is western union. send the money over, WU will give u a PIN no. u sms your cousin the PIN and tell him to go to the nearest WU outlet and enter the PIN. this is also quite expensive.
Before the days of Paypal, Money Order was the medium I used for overseas purchases via Ebay.

With money order, you gotta que up at the Post Office and pay $5.00 (could be different amount now) commissions for every money order. Send the draft by registered mail to help "ease" the woes of lost mail. Not forgetting you have to pay the postage as well.

So compare that with Paypal...
Firstly, thanks for the responses.

Shall go the PayPal way then!

Many thanks again and have one hell of a week!
