Z3r0_G said:but anyway i think BC Rich stuff isnt realy worth upgrading. good for a beginner bass but not really cut out for serious bass palying. suggest u spend your money on a better mid ranged bass. C=
bin4christ said:Z3r0_G said:but anyway i think BC Rich stuff isnt realy worth upgrading. good for a beginner bass but not really cut out for serious bass palying. suggest u spend your money on a better mid ranged bass. C=
:? ..BC rich beast n warlock guitars n basses cost $900...
bin4christ said:oh,haha..a fren of mine told me tt anthr fren of ours' has a bc rich beast bass tt's er,not v. well,er,not v. well-made n definitely not worth it's price..he says the $225 samick fairlane tt he(tt anthr fren of ours) owns is more solid...
but it's the looks of BC rich man..aggressive...
btw rey,dah lama gak ketemu..ehehe...
J-revolt said:did some more digging on the net, found tt my bass is made in japan or korea and then assembled in the US. not so bad after all yeah?lol. i dun really care, mid range, entry level blabla. as long feels solid and nice and sounds nice, for me not yet there for this bass. look at those ppl on talkbass forums with their SX'es haha.
i guess when you're a big shot rockstar then you tend care bout your image so it's time change to instruments with big names. :wink:
it's all come down to personal preference. no 2 person is the same. same goes for the bass.
haha this is goin off-topic lol. any opinions on where to get single replament soapbar pickups? what brand and where to get.
wraith: where to get bartolinis? heard no shops brings them in.