modified BMT

stop being a wuss.. and just do NS. you still get to go home on weekends. stop griping and just face it when the time comes. i'm going in myself next year, i've also heard my fill of stories from seniors/friends. just take them with a pinch of salt la. go out there and experience military for awhile then go back to civilian life, i think its a privilege for us to be able to go through regimental life for the experience.
I'm still using those old school sponge beds and those half-sized cupboard in my bunks.

taurus company have changed, ever since some guy with the surname "Lee" entered.
JiveB said:
stop being a wuss.. and just do NS. you still get to go home on weekends. stop griping and just face it when the time comes. i'm going in myself next year, i've also heard my fill of stories from seniors/friends. just take them with a pinch of salt la. go out there and experience military for awhile then go back to civilian life, i think its a privilege for us to be able to go through regimental life for the experience.

blueprintstudios said:
depends. you bai ka (leg broken) or bai chiu? (hand broken)

I'm in modified BMT because my thumbs are deformed (seriously). My right thumb can't straighten and my left thumb can't bend (achieve balance somehow).

I'm PES C L9. So basically not allowed to use firearms for some reason. I think they scared I cannot hold gun properly den anyhow shoot ppl or something. Hmmm. so training is just learning how to do sai kang? ok man. :lol: Shall aspire to become a full-fledged sai kang warrior.
Panopticon-3 said:
JiveB said:
stop being a wuss.. and just do NS. you still get to go home on weekends. stop griping and just face it when the time comes. i'm going in myself next year, i've also heard my fill of stories from seniors/friends. just take them with a pinch of salt la. go out there and experience military for awhile then go back to civilian life, i think its a privilege for us to be able to go through regimental life for the experience.


kid_slacker said:
im so getting the jitters for ns. gonna leave the country one day.

maebe i shud juz do it earlier so i dun have to go ns.

it'll save me 2 years of my life.

if you can't even survive NS, you think you can survive in other country, meh? :roll:
tt bad huh popeye? it a myth or is it rilli true tt if my brother went to SPF for his ns...i will have to go either SAF or CD??

can i still go police force even if my brother was in the police force before?
NS is child's play now compare to the shit I went through in the 80's . There is so much welfare for national serviceman now. If you cannot take it then you can never take in the cruel hard reality of life .
NS now is as much a joke as me being able to get gold for my ICT IPPT.

Now cannot anyhow "knock down" your men, cannot anyhow give "change parade", can book out on fridays, aiyah, so much better than last time...but many friends ive made there are still friends with me now, and I think thats quite cool, cos we lan lan every year meet during ICT and make fun of each other's pot bellies and jobs.

After OCS or SISPEC, hope you get posted to 35SCE, you won't regret it! :D

*winks at ARK
gosh..all tt acronyms..SISPEC la and wad not la..

haiya..all i want in NS is not to get backstabbed.

wishful thinking huh?
backstabbers are a part of life. like it or not chances are that you'll meet at least one of them in your lifetime. if you don't kena in NS, what makes u think u will not kena when u enter society to work?
For those who are goin NS, jus tell urself "If thousands of Singaporean Males have went through it, why can't you?" NS aint tat bad really, the only thing that sucks is the lack of freedom, other than tat it pretty ok.
NS has changed so much, it's rather fun actually if you mix with the right company. You've got to think on the bright side and not so much on the 'siongness' of it all. Imagine thousands of guys cracking dirty jokes, reading lad mags and talking cock which would make any ordinary boy blush. Plus, you become a real 'man'! haha. and imagine the thousands of musicians you could interact with, and you could bring along your guitar and jam your admin time away.

other than that, it sucks (no freedom! no jam sessions in cosy studios! no gigs!). but well i've been surviving so far for the past 7 months or so..hehe
ns is a place where you get to meet very different people, where some people's idea of 'chiong' = geylang/joo chiat rd/desker rd.

as for the acronyms...
i'm sure the specs here will know..
sispec = suffer in silence plus extra confinement.

with pride we lead, got time we sleep!
with food we eat, got outfield we report sick!

im good to go now.

this prep talk sure helps huh..thanks guys.
ORD in like a year's time. and somehow i dont feel like ORD-ing. my men are a whole lotta fun to be with.

u'll enjoy ur bmt if u haf a positive attitude man. just remember. positive attitude.

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