Modded Epiphone Valve Junior Head

heh, i think it aint not rocket science to figure out that the manufacturer having to cut cost some where in the production of the amp to have it selling for so cheap.

I mean, just about 7 or 8 years ago, before some of the people in here actually playing with tone, there wasnt must toob amp in local market thats below 1k sgd.

the cheapest one round there also be around $800 to $900 plus and thats just a 1x12 combo or so.

i remember 7 or 8 years ago, brand new fender blues junior about $600, brand new laney lc15r about $450 to $500. but now alot of cheap small tube combos, eg vox, epiphone, blackheart.

for the epiphone valve junior, it responds very well to picking dynamics. i like its simplicity and no frills approach. just plug in and play, don't need to adjust anything apart from volume.