mod that pedal yourself!!!!


New member

Ive already posted this link on another thread. But why mod yourself? Here are the advantages.

Its cheaper

You have more control over the tone. The instruction set given not only shows u which parts to change but also what it does. So eg. sd-1 808 mod. U can choose to increase the gain by x2. And u can choose symmetrical (boss) or assymetrical (ibanez) clipping.
For the mt2 u can remove the nasal mids more rock or keep it more metal. Can also choose to reduce the gain. If u don't like it can can change the mods again anytime since u know what each mod does.

Soldering a prob? Its not that diff really. I learned it while watching beez working on my guit and reading instructions off the internet. Ill put down the webpage again.

Then again if u still really scared to do yourself? I can do for you lah. Pass me the pedal and the kit once it arrives. Give me 40 bucks and a week. I won't do any mods that require drilling however.

Ive already bought and done 2 kits from them, cs3 and od3. Both are very gd anyway some reviews

U owe it to yourself to try modding your own pedal at least once. The self satisfaction u get from it is real sweet.
haha.. i can also do it!! but seriously.. monte's mods are really good and cheap.. but now im more into building kits.. :D
diystompboxes,olc...a lot of schematics available online as well...even one for the oh so special "Landgraff DO" :lol:
anyway like imcorn ive just ordered the mt2 + sd1 + ds-1 kits.

Can't wait for the shipment to come in hehe

Now to buy the sd-a and ds-1

Whats that landgraff do btw?
the Landgraff is a boutique OD pedal that retails for US$400 (or is it US$600) hmmm.. but actually.. its mojo comes mainly from LEDs as clipping diodes.. and a bunch of upgraded caps (like those found in monte's mods)
Landgraff OD is a very raved about overdrive and I would tend tobelieve there is reason for it to cost nearly that of a Klon Centaur
shioks76 said:
Then again if u still really scared to do yourself? I can do for you lah. Pass me the pedal and the kit once it arrives. Give me 40 bucks and a week. I won't do any mods that require drilling however.

8O 8O 8O 8O 8O
i used to do it for $40 and i supply the parts and my personal angmokeeleyio mods. :twisted: :twisted:

i'm so glad i left the modding scene.
Self modding is indeed fun.
I did a mt-2 already.

Now I wish to build one from scratch. But I'm not in a hurry, cuz I don't play guitar and my bands guitarist aren't really scrambling for some extra grind just yet. LOL
shipping costs are mentioned in the website.
Anyway its us$3.50 for shipping.

So it makes sense to order more than 1 kit if possible. With the buy 3 kits get 1 free for november why not? Read the ordering instructions carefully. In order to make use of this offer, order 3 kits not 4. Then e mail them the kit that u want free.

happy modding 8)
Hey there!
Is it possible to mod a Boss OS-2?? It's considered a "hybrid" pedal, is it?
Or could you buy the kits for other mods, and stick it into my OS-2? :roll:

These look really cool!

Thinking of doing a ds-1 too. Can someone help me order?? Or shun bian add a ds-1 mod to your order list. :lol:

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