MLM multi level marketing, Network marketing, your views


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there's been a spike in offers for me to join many MLM schemes, and i must say, it is confusing to comphrehend,with claims sometimes too good to be true, so will anyone share their views with me? as these MLM schemes target the 17-20 year olds.As for me, from what i understand, MLM is a legitimate business, with shoddy claims
i have close freinds who inthe business for many years...
some fold but some carry on like endurance marathon haha
i admire their perseverance & dedication as its not an easy job..
they work really really hard, facing impossible ppl like us day in day out, night, weekends & even on public holidays too.

Honestly, this MLM is very not true. No one that I know of ever earn anything from all that just some stupid 'points' that you can exchange for goods. We need money to survive. The 'goods' are not easy to sell too. Hehehehe!! Do you need some aeromatic socks or whatever they call it costing $20?

To me, this is just some false hope. If you wanna earn, get a real proper job. This MLM thing has been around when I was in a secondary school back in '84. Lots of people got trapped in this stupid hope. Old company closed down another new company comes in. It's all the same. But some people just never learn. But the choice is individual!! Some claimed became rich with all these. Good luck if you still wanna try!!

nvr heard of socks industry before... haha
study hard, be wise, before you make any decision..
no job is easy job, be it your own business or working in the zoo
They mostly make you approach your friends and relatives to sell their products.. thats why the more people they hire, the more they can earn.

Actually its a very good money-making concept, but it just sucks to be at the bottom, and there's no integrity.
Recently my friend introduce me to this Health produce MLM thing he told me not to tell anyone about this but since he lie to me,he initially told me he wanted someone to do some part time job helping out his friend but it turns out he wanted me to join to MLM thing.

So this is how they work, there's 3 way of making money.

1.Selling all this health produce that you can find in all those place like GNC,etc at a cheaper price and you can earn the 10% commission.

2.Finding people to sign up for a package at their spa center and earn 10% commission.

3.I left before he told me the 3rd one.

So you find like 10 person to buy or join than the 10 person will each find 10 person to buy or join and you will have like 100 client under you.

This is all i can remember.
They will always target teenagers. N cause them to fall out with their friends etc because they insist u bring in more other friends once u sign up with them as one of their members to push the products. It is workable in bigger countries really but in singapore haha,good luck. You can give false hopes and dreams to teenagers but not someone who is older.
mostly crap products and false projection of wealth.
MLM breaks up families and friends.
There are better jobs out there.
I once got a good friend who was in mlm, he works 16 hours days everyday, after 2 -3 years he filed for bankruptcy. Ask yourself, if mlm is so successful, how come there are still many poor people ard?
positive side also got but maybe few
the negative side always get mentioned more
bc not only due to mlm, my good fren not mlm also bc.. keke
Its an unethical business lah... they waste ur time and ur money...

my friend paid them like what 10k? and got back in return of like 7k. thats a 3k loss and he isn't earning anything but just giving free labour to the MLM.
yeah,and they will brainwashed you until you would give 100% to the company.
it a waste of money and your its better to get far away of this mlm company.
bcos my self have been trick.2-3 months but earn only $45?
I was once tempted when my friend told me bout his big earnings a MLM . But when i finally followed him to one of the shows,i saw how they brainwash people with false info bout their product and others in the market. It baceame very irritating when he kept promoting his product to us even when we were just hanging around.

My friend later came to loose lots of friends and came out of the business with nothing but debts and a bunch of left over product he had bought before hand.
I was dragged or "conned" by friends into attending some MLM talk or recruitment before. Quite often, I felt like walking out and it certainly left a bad after-taste. They tend to sell you a dream of becoming millionaires overnight by creating lots of frenzied hype, promises, inducement and dubious testimonials of their kakis who have "made it" in MLM. So much fanfare that the atmosphere of their so-called "business opportunity seminar" is akin to time-share selling. Some desperate case ones even resorted to hard selling. And some of my friends who are so deep into MLM are like they were brainwashed into a cult. Scary stuff.
ooo, MLM...
just last week, i was at far east shopping with my bf, and this makcik in her late 40s (i think...) approach my bf and tried to psycho him into joining her in this "business" she said that the business can make good profit, can earn 100,000 US dollars! she even sweet talked him into following her back to her office for futher talks! lol, so hard to believe...

if really can earn that much, what is she doing shopping at far east plaza then!? :D
Well, did you slap her? :twisted:

Yea i was invited to join an MLM too, seemed pretty convincing, gave encouragement talks, but to me honestly i find it a waste of time.

It aint worth your effort to go out into the cold world and try to get buyers for your product and you get peanuts in return.

Last year during DEC, i worked from 11 am to 11.30 pm for 4 days in a row. End of 4 days no customers, i fell sick, well. the rest is history.

Just get an hourly pay job if you need a job..its more worth it.
these mlm they try to get as many people to join them as the they know the more people who join, the more products get sold. the people dont sell, no need pay! these jobs are 100% commision! huahahah. mlm(looks like middle finger hahahahahah) are not scams they just exagerrate opportunities. earn $10000 a month? not impossible what. its up to u to work 24/7 or not. was invited to join a company but hmm? the managers take public transport? sure anot....

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