Mixing Drums and triggering

Hey, I'm back lol.

I settled for the OHs and learnt that it was my initial recording that caused the problem. Mic was on omnidirectional causing reflections from the ceiling to be captured thus the bad sound.. and school's cymbals, go figure haha. :( But the overall drum was indeed workable. I did some triggering and replace the snare by re-recording samples, threw in some parallel compressions and such. Couldn't afford or quite find the necessary plugins after all... I thought it came out okay in the end, but it could definitely be better!

Would really like to thank everyone for the suggestions too! :)
All your replies were much appreciated.
Oooh... Previously the Free VSTs I've found doesn't seem to want to work with my copy of Pro Tools so I had trouble there. Thinking of switching to or trying out Cubase LE.

Uploading the final product right now. I was advised to rework on it, having the necessary elements already available. What I'd really want to ask is how can I improve the vocals in this particular song so that it would blend more with the mix? It sounds very upfront to me; I can't seem to get the right balance there! I know Chinese songs tend to focus quite a bit on the vocals, but this is too much IMO. And the stereo imaging too, maybe a little messy? Two main factors really bothering me until now. Already handed this in, but if I can improve it, I'd like to ;) Just to make myself happy lol.

Uh, this was my reference track: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2ow2rUYigc
and my not so satisfactory end product: http://www.sendspace.com/file/x4chik
Oooh... Previously the Free VSTs I've found doesn't seem to want to work with my copy of Pro Tools so I had trouble there. Thinking of switching to or trying out Cubase LE.

Uploading the final product right now. I was advised to rework on it, having the necessary elements already available. What I'd really want to ask is how can I improve the vocals in this particular song so that it would blend more with the mix? It sounds very upfront to me; I can't seem to get the right balance there! I know Chinese songs tend to focus quite a bit on the vocals, but this is too much IMO. And the stereo imaging too, maybe a little messy? Two main factors really bothering me until now. Already handed this in, but if I can improve it, I'd like to ;) Just to make myself happy lol.

Uh, this was my reference track: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2ow2rUYigc
and my not so satisfactory end product: http://www.sendspace.com/file/x4chik

Didn't hear the reference track, but from what I can tell - the cymbals need some work, they are a bit too much in the mid-range and there's not enough shizzle. Kick is a bit flabby and can't feel the punch hehe. For vocals, consider cutting some low-mids and maybe using the predelay a litle more on your reverb VST ?

This is all IMHO only.
oh nvm it just loaded don't worry bout it hahah. had a listen
yeap pretty much what sridhar said. the cymbals alot overpowering than the drumshells (snare/kick/tom) and the doubled sound sounds weird (hihat on each side of the pan)
keep it up anyways!
well... if editing is too much a problems... record it again.
you don't want to kill the feel of the players and you definitely don't want to spend 10 hrs when you can do it in 1 hours.