Mixed Blood Softies!!!

50% Samosa
30% Nasi
20% Sauerkraut

Everyone's mixed these days. Why? In preparation for the ultimate being. This is a natural conspiracy initiated by Earth.
Helmi Fitri

mom: malay, javanese, chinese,
dad: malay and i think some minor mix of indian.

that makes me...majachindian
What is Eurasian anyway? It's not a race IMHO

Anyways, late to the game but -

On my dad's side - English/Portuguese

On my mom's side - Chinese

Farid, never realized you were mixed... learn something new everyday

Wow a race "exclusive" gathering. What significance does this bring?

racial harmony loh ...literally speaking ...non mixed heritage softies can also join but gotta buy drinks for us mixed dudes ... :mrgreen:
see our hamsem fgl. :D


too bad he doesnt have a son my age :(
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I think Race and Nationality all got mixed up!

2.Lim Shu Wei Vicki 林秀慧 임 수 예
- Maternal Grandparents - Korean
- Paternal Grandparents - Singaporean (I am guessing Chinese, yes?)

3. fgl Farid "_______" Long
- Paternal grand parents orginally from Ireland & Australia
- Maternal Grand parents from Indonesia / Malaysia (Malay?)

4. wyldeboon
- Paternal grand parents - Dutch & Boyanese, Chinese
- Maternal Grand parents - Indian & Malaysia (Indian and Malay?)

Yes ..more specifically its..

Paternal Great grandfather: Ireland / Grandfather: Australia
Paternal Grandmother: S'ingspre Eurasian (probably some Portugese mix)
Maternal Grandfather: Malay Malaysian
Maternal Grandmother: Javanese