Missing People Why Gone Missing?


New member
I was reading russell lee's ghost story in popular yesterday.That volume about the alien abduction one,one the the most recent one i think.Somehow it said that there are people who went missing might be abducted by aliens.Could this be true?
Yea,could they gone missing because of abductions by aliens?Or if not,what are the possible causes of them missing for such a long long long time.This post is about people who gone missing in general.
I started reading the first few books when i was primary 1? Had quite a collection back then when i used to believe that they were 'true'. But as i grew older, i had more common sense and chose not to believe them cause some of then sound super ridiculous. Hah.
Don't believe anything that sells by such large numbers, bcos they are by and large made-up nonsense which are designed to cater to the lowest common denomination.
Back in late 80s i think, i read every vol of true sg ghost stories. gives me the chills everytime. haha

Russell lee .. not peters..

Peters is never lame.

Russell lee still in his 'airconned' uniform? All covered up. Dunno why also. LOL!
So which volume is it now don?
I'd actually think that people who have gone missing have probably been murdered, or committed suicide, both in isolated places. There's a lot of logical reasons as to why people disappear. Not that I don't believe in aliens, I just think there're plenty of other, more possible reasons out there.
this post isn't really about aliens,its about people missing in general but that alien abduction thingy sorts of makes me curious...If your had read that volume of TSGS,I think voulme,its about the alien abduction thingy,there someone who writes it saying that she and her husband went pulau hantu and her husband got abducted and return back after like a few hours and became a completely changed person and had scars on his stomach and back area with stitchings.He suffered from tramua after that and went had underwent hypnosis therapy and from the hypnosis,they found out that the aliens cut his stomach and took out some tissues samples.Well,true or not,I am 50% true,50% false about this...