Miss Booms Guilty of Credit Card Fraud

If she can't represent Singapore,there's always a slot with The Venga Boys.Only problem is,she'll be singing Boomz Boomz Boomz instead XD
Funny lah. Every year the winner got funny funny antics. I rmb, one malay lawyer won, and she appeared on Suria Channel , acting. Damn, shes overacting on screen.

They should do background check, sound check, looks check, gender check, all must check..
Ris Low put on so much weight?

I bet you organizers will strip her of title cos she put on weight and not cos of her English or crimes LOL!
Ris Low : " I believed that, you know, I want to show the world that beauty has its own purpose and not all beautiful people and "bimbotic".

She is not even beautiful in the first place. I guess all the judges are blind. :mrgreen:
Channel 5 used to show the Miss World contest on TV. I wonder why they stopped showing now.
wow the fake accent.. "i'm from a.... normal school. i dont go to some.... i don't know, private school or something. why is it so hard for her to say like that....."
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Sorry, I am more inclined to think that those three girls just simply have good enunciation, rather than having an 'accent'.

It's such travesty that in Singapore, good pronunciation and enunciation has been widely mistaken and accepted as 'having an accent'.

When actually, speaking English the lazy Singaporean way is actually an accent in itself ie. pronouncing 'there' as 'dare' instead of well.. 'there'.

Sorry, I am more inclined to think that those three girls just simply have good enunciation, rather than having an 'accent'.

You heard good enunciation? I heard reasonable enunciation and a slightly fake accent coming from the Malay(?) girl at the right. Of course, her accent might be real after all, if she had spent a long time abroad. I, too, would rather listen to Ris Low speak than a 'wannabe'.

i think that there are a lot of Singaporeans out there who speak good English without that fake accent.
Well, of course there is nothing wrong with preferring to hear somebody who is being ridiculed and parodied by the whole world for her less-than-perfect spoken English, just like there is absolutely nothing wrong with with speaking like the Malay girl who's dismissed as a 'wannabe'.

Hell, I am not even sure that she is indeed a Malay but obviously that's not important.

Besides, the more important issue here is obviously communication. You speak to communicate with others. So, it's clear that the 'wannabe' will NOT have a problem communicating with EVERYONE, Singaporean or otherwise, whereas our poor dear Miss Low is being laughed at due to her, uhmm.. 'English'.

Well, to each his own.

haha, I agree with your reasoning. Fake accent or not, it is still proper English and she is able to be understood by anyone.

I just cannot understand why some Singaporeans are 'motivated' to speak with a fake accent in front of cameras or on radio.
Just look at it as a personal preference. Just like how some guitarist likes to use efx like distortion and delays. Or bassist likes to use 15 inch speakers instead of 6 inch.
Haha, the boss is the thread digger.

Jokes aside, so Singaporeans diss people with poor English, but what's with the confusing between good pronounciation with accent? And hypocrites who say "Wahlaoeh the girl ha english so bad sia".

You know my friends says I got an accent cause I say "there" as "there" and not "dare". What the hey...

Common people, it's bad enough to stereotype, but stereotyping wrongly? (Like me having long and my cousin says I'm "emo". I went, "dude, if you wanna say emo, "they have long fringe that covers one eye. My fringe is eyebrow level")