Miking for drum overheads


New member
Hi All,

just some need some input, which mics do you think are good for drum overhead mics?
Currently, i'm eyeing on the Shure SM81 and AKG C414. Anyone of you have experience with these mics or any mics to recommend? I know that the SM81 are really good for miking acoustic guitar X-Y configuration.

Anyone can give input about different mics used for miking hats and toms and kick drum as well? Feel free to share. Thanks.
the 2 mics you mentioned are quite standard. in fact, for drum mics, it is quite standard already. choice made are dependent on the drumset you have and the sound you are trying to reproduce.

are you planning to buy the mic?
true.... depending on what kind of sound u r trying to emulate...

i always like the sm81 to be at the beater.... so as to capture the attack of the kick... it normally serves me well when i mix the mics together....

recently i guess audix drum mic win some awards... as far as drum mics are concern... i can't wait to try those mic...

and i will be organizing a drum recording workshop soon at the end of august.... leave me a pm... if u r interested..
Using an SM81 on the kick?!!....You are placing a SM81 in the kick shell or near the pedal(on the player side) itself?...
If its in the kick...call me old school but to me thats like a no no...and thats just based on the basic principles that its a condensor mic and taking into account kick drum spl levels....

I have tried Audix mics and yes they rock....I was particularly impressed with the snare specific model....

Anyways what will you be demonstrating at this drum recording workshop anyways??
of coz it is not in the shell... it is juz outside at the pedal, who would put a condenser in a kick shell.... haha.. i wouldn't wan to spoil the sm81...

i will not be demoing the recording... not gd enough... haha... someone else will... the details haven't been 100% cfm so i cannot release much info yet.... hope u guys understand.... but rest asure, it will be a interesting one.....

we will be talking abt drum miking techniques, mic selections on recording drums, selection of pre-amps, drum maintainance and finally some product introduction....
I;m still considering different microphone options. Actually all this I'm planning to include into my company budget to purchase microphones for the drumkit.

Audix mics not so bad huh? How bout the Audix Fusion pack? Any comments?
u can try this http://www.electrovoice.com/products/90.html

heard gd reviews abt it... it's transparency is good... although i am also looking to try it...

for overheads... i think u need to select carefully.. as it muz do justification to the work u do... sm81 is gd... but u also might wan to consider if u like the character of that particular mic... what i would recommend is.... rent or borrow the mic and try it... then decide....

i am trying to get hold of someone to sponsor the audix mic for the workshop if possible... so if anyone here interested to get the mic or listen to those mic can come along also.... :)
Well i personally prefer sm81 i think it's better and You can try this for kick if you wan better,nicer and powerful kick try putting 1 mic in side the hole and 1 outside trust me it will sound super!!
if you are recording for drum solo, it don't really made a different as long as the microphone spec is right. usually any condenser mic will do. but if you are looking into very good drum recording even with band playing, then i think you should seriously look into getting a drum pickup set. The drum pickup set is design specially with the specification that match the the drum characteristic, AKG do have a drum pickup set model.
there are many mics that i can recommend for drum miking. But really, the more expensive and well known mics may not give ya the best result. There has been many occasions that cheap unknown mics had really did a better job then well known ones.
It really is the sound you are trying to achieve.
2 options in recording drums=>
1. If you have a really high end drum set and well treated room, you are looking for mics that accurately depict the sound as your ears hear it.
2. If your drum set is not that fantastic and neither is your room, then you are looking for mics that compensate for that weakness to give you a high end sound.

High end mics not equal to high end drum sound. Some high end mics capture accurately to the drum sound you are hearing, but if your drums ain't good, you don't want everyone to know that. If you plan to turn a Pearl Rhythm Traveller to a Yamaha Recording Custom, you really have to find mics that compensate the weaknesses.
It all comes with experimentation and knowing your sound.
Drum Miking,

Hey Guys,

We have gathered some samples of just drum recordings,

Its on this website, www.soundadvice.com.sg

I used various techniques and mics for different results,

We used 2 kits, a 60's Ludwig and a Modern Pearl

Take a listen, and pls do get in touch with me should you wanna know more,

Sound Advice Recording Studio,
Putting Singapore On The Map Musically,