Microsoft IE has major security flaw

If this flaw opens up an avenue to steal gaming passwords, I foresee that more critical passwords applications (internet banking etc) will be on the list in no time. this could be serious business.
Had no idea, my reason for switching to Firefox was because IE kept lagging. But fortunately, I've been using Firefox since. :mrgreen:
Google Chrome looks promising as well :mrgreen:

Apparently the security flaw has been around as far back as IE 5. Only now they discovered it and wants to make a patch?

Somebody's been sleeping on the job... :?
have been using chrome for awhile.
i used to think firefox was fast but if anything, chrome is FASTER :D
looks neater too (:
Chrome is BETA and is using more memory on your computer/laptop but it looks cool compared to IE and Mozilla. I'm with Mozilla cause it uses less memory. IE is too slow but I have to use it for school -_-.
Next version of Mozilla (now in beta) is supposedly much faster cos they are using a new javascript engine.

Chrome is good and has some unique features - I like the fact that you can run separate browser windows as separate processes so that if one hangs it doesn't affect the other.

But the lack of add-ons is a deal-breaker. I use quite a few (ad-block, flash block, and IE tab) that I am quite dependent on. Until Chrome supports add-ons it won't be a consideration for me.
Well said, indianstallion. The add-ons for fx are really useful. IE tab esp, for those random IE only sites.