Microphone preamp choices/recommendation?


New member
hey guys,

i was looking around for a pre amp for my recording since i've been having problems to get a good recording especially when recording acoustic guitar and vocals using the m-audio nova.they sound very dry.

I was thinking maybe a preamp might help "better the problem".

my budget is between maybe S$100-S$200.

any recommendation?

Presonus ADL600 looks really good but haha the cost is overboard.

I'm just doing home recording.Nothing extravagant so I need some affordable that can do the job or at least solve the "dryness".
Kimmi, could you list down your current setup?

Abit difficult to understand the 'dryness' part without listening to a sample.
hmm.. after listening to your samples, i think you might need to mix better.

I will just list down some of my observations.

1. The singer's voice is not 'rock' enough. Must have some training to rough it up. You know, like the way those wrestler speaks.

2. Coloring the voice can be done with adding slight chorus. Doubling the voice track.

3. The 'dryness' can be solve with some reverbs.

4. You need to put in a compressor to push the vocal a bit higher.
haha.alot of people have stated on the "1".

I'll take note of the tips!thanks=)

but still is there an actual need for a preamp in any case for recording?

does the vocals need any "coloring" up in which i've read is what preamps do?

oh.the vocals are i think doubled too.
preamps do add a little colour to the signal. i've been tempted to try for myself what difference it all makes and from what i've read (whether misguided or not), i understand that anything below $1k is really not worth getting. now, that could be pure hype or bull, but whatever it is, some noteworthy preamps in the sub $1k range include the FMR ReallyNicePreamp, StudioProjects VTB-1 and the Great River ME-1NV, the latter being slightly above USD$1K. read nice things about the Grace 101 and the Avalon M5 as well although the latter is a DI? some bloke's selling an Avalon 737? here but i am not about to expand that kind of cash on a preamp. some folks say my mackie preamps will suffice, some folks say to get better ones, some say its a matter of taste. my head is spinning.

i have, for the past 5 years, been experimenting with different ways to make my lacklustre vocals sound a little more "kilat" (including but not limited to Jame's suggestions above) but seriously, i just don't have the vocals. so, i am resigned to the fact that my investment in preamps and mics is really just a grown man playing with his toys. heh. that said, wherever your search takes you, i hope you will share with us your conclusions too. i will too when i get my paws on the FMR, or the VTB, or.....hmm...:D
Thanks Soft and fibredrive!

haha,i think i might just lay off the idea of getting a preamp.For now at least.

I'm thinking of opting or trying a different microphone to record the vocals instead but Is it really necessary to use a condenser mic to record the vocals?

Right now,I have a SM58, SM58A Beta and a sm57.

though end the end of the day trying it myself would be best.haha.

Which one would probably be good enough for vocals?
in the past, i've used an SM58 to great effect. but the amount of tweaking I had to do after was massive to get a clear sound. but then, perhaps i wasn't sure of effective singing techniques either. haha.

anyways, i think a 58 is good enough for now. you can experiment with your eq settings and verb. its a great way to learn!
can i just say that i've heard lotsa complaints about Maudio interfaces preamps and ADDA that they sound really dull and plastic ?

a friend of mine bought a Line6 toneport UX 2 and reckons it sounds better than his maudio inteface.