Yes I do agree with you on this possibility.
I was there for the last sale, and Yes I am an MFO member, it's true anyone with a 100 bucks can get the membership and get themselves in the queue. In the MFO queue there were probably about 12 people. This MFO thing has been around for a pretty long time already but the fact is there are not many people joining.
However the fact that Sweelee provides us with the privellege and the chance to get our gear before everyone else does must be recognized. Even being an MFO member does not garuantee you may get the gear you want. Another MFO member in front of me grabbed a piece of gear I was aiming for before I could get my hands on it. You snooze you lose man, in my case of course.
The point of my post is this, I appreciate my membership, and I appreciate the fact that Sweelee recognizing the popularity of the sale and the demand it is faced with during the sales allows people an outlet through which improves their chances of getting what they want.
There's only so much of a certain product they can bring in, there's no way everyone is going to be satisfied but if you want that guitar/amp/pickup/whatever so much why don't you just buy it on a normal day if it means so much to you. If having to pay a 100 bucks means giving me a better chance of getting my Fender Deluxe Reverb amp which would cost me 1.7k on a normal walk in day, SIGN ME UP BOSS!
Not only that but I also managed to get a VC15, 2 DD20s, a set of pickups, and a DVD...all at half price.
The gains do out weigh the costs imho.
P.S. Props and Kudos to Sweelee for their excellent customer service...they even kept my reciept for 2 months when I totally forgot about it in the haste of the sale!