MEGADETH-Blackmail The Universe World Tour. See pixs here!!!

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MEGADETH - Los Angeles @Hollywood Palladium 29th Oct!!! Check out the setlist! Notice they included a medley, man. COOL!

Los Angeles setlist:

Set The World Afire
Skin Of My Teeth
Wake Up Dead
Killing Road
In My Darkest Hour
Angry Again
Something I'm Not
Train of Consequences
Reckoning Day
Die Dead Enough
A Tout Le Monde
Hangar 18
Kick The Chair
Tornado Of Souls
Trust/Sweating Bullets medley

1st Encore
Peace Sells
Holy Wars
Fan's review of the Los Angeles @Hollywood Palladium concert 29th Oct. A detailed review but worth a read especially when he said one part of the ceiling came falling down to the ground becos MEGADETH was playing too LOUD! 8O Pixs comin' up later!!! :D


I just got back as well, and must say that it was an AWESOME show. I had my gripes about the setlist prior to coming but after the show I must say that it was WELL worth it!!!

First of all let me just say a huge "f*ck yeah" for whoever convinced Dave to boot Earshot and get Exodus to open. Not only did they play well, but it just felt so right seeing Megadeth play with another metal band. F*ck the trendy rock bands, Megadeth is metal and they kick ass at metal, why deny it??? Anyways seeing them open as opposed to some "core" band or a "nu-metal" band was a huge treat. The night felt so much more "metal" because of them.

On to the greats, Megadeth. The sound was EXCELLENT!!! Everything was very crisp and clear. It got a little muffeled as I got closer to the stage and was in the pit, but maybe that was because I was getting slammed in the head by a bunch of headbangers . When I stood in the back for a few songs I could hear everything perfectly and the band was, as usual, tighter than a snare drum.

Most importantly is that they came out with some f*cking GREAT energy. I've seen a ton of live footage from Megadeth and I saw them on the TWNAH tour, but I've NEVER seen them as into it as they were tonight! Kudos to everyone for a dynamite performance and especially Dave M. That is how this kind of music is meant to be performed, with a ton of energy!! Also great crowd interaction. I dunno if anyone remembers this, but I was down real close to the stage right before they played "Something I'm Not", and me and this other guy started the "Black Friday" chant and Dave just looked at us, shook his head, and with a huge grin said into the mike: "No, noooooo..." and then went off into his spiel about Lars. It was a very cool moment.

Onto the set itself. Well, since Megadeth we're playing with so much energy, everything they played was a huge treat. Most notable the concert intro and then "Set the World Afire"!!! I thought that after seeing Exodus this was a great classic thrash song that just drove the crowd insane!!! "Skin of My Teeth" was also f*cking awesome. I know that it used to be a staple on some of their earlier tours, but I'd never seen them play it, so it was kickin'!! "Wake up Dead" was next, and it was a classic Megadeth song that they always play and after being blasted with "Set the World Afire" and "Skin Of My Teeth" this was just perfect. I was going nuts in the pit during this song. The drums were so thundering and powerful and the guitar riffing was so clean. After this we got another treat. "Killing Road". Great f*cking song, one of my all time favorites because of the dual solos from Marty and Dave. Glen pulled it off very well and we all enjoyed this one.

Everything was cool about the set, except that it seemed to get very slow around these songs: "Something I'm Not", "Train of Consequences", "Reckoning Day", "Die Dead Enough", and a "Toute le Monde". At that point of the set, I could feel the energy of the crowd around me kind of die down a bit. I mean we all love those songs but I've seen "Train of Consequences" and "Reckoning Day" way to many times live in concert and on video/dvd. In there place is where Megadeth, in my opinion, should have played one of their heavier tunes. The crowd was and has been DYING for "Good Mourning...Black Friday." This would be the perfect place to put that song in the set. A couple other calls I kept hearing were for "Go to Hell" and "Rust in Peace...Polaris". Why not put either of those two or both!!? The crowd would go nuts! If I see them again on this tour, which I hopefully will, I would really want to hear either "Good Mourning...Black Friday", "Go to Hell", "Rust in Peace...Polaris", or "5 Magics" in the set. Something to consider Dave, or anyone else who reads these topics. I was down on the floor and chanting with these people and the feeling I got was if we had heard any number of these songs, we would have torn the f*cking building down(figuratively)!!! A nice sized chunk of plaster from the ceiling of the Palladium fell during 'deth's set, thats what happens when you rock the house...

All in all it was a great show and I'm totally glad I went! It is completely worth the money those of you still thinking about whether or not you will be attendting. I think that as they go along they are going to add more songs to the set! Let's just hope that once they add all the songs they come back here so we can see them f*cking destroy!!
Pixs of Los Angeles @Hollywood Palladium concert 29th Oct! :D Now's tats a killer show!


lars_ulrich said:
no offence meant or anything, but all their gigs look like pretty small club gigs. dont they do big arena gigs or somthing?

Nope, the gigs @Canada & Mexico will be big stadium or amphitheater size. Granted, MEGADETH is never a mainstream metal band, and as a MEGADETH fan, i prefer it this way. If MEGADETH is liked by every kid u see on the road, it would be Shit-Pop, man & there will be nothing special abt MEGADETH anymore. Im proud to be a fan of MEGADETH & MEGADETH will be playing to stadiums for Europe & Moscow come next yr. ;)

Check out the tour dates for this year 2004 here -> ;)
wat happen 2 nick??

hey i though nick menza in new megadeth lineup?? wat happen?? got kick by dave again?? i still prefer the rust in peace lineup :twisted: \m/
Re: wat happen 2 nick??

sef said:
hey i though nick menza in new megadeth lineup?? wat happen?? got kick by dave again?? i still prefer the rust in peace lineup :twisted: \m/

Join the MEGADETH Official Forum, and u will find out the many interesting twist of fate of MEGADETH lineup change, but as long as there's Dave Mustaine, the main song-writer & vocalist & guitarist, tats enough. ;)

Btw u all r in for a treat!!! 8O Kickass MEGA-Pixs comin' yur way!!! Finally, we get to see how Shawn Drover, the new MEGADETH drummer looks like. :D

