MDA: Call-for-proposals (Music)


Staff member
Singapore's musicians, performing artistes, composers, lyricists, producers, arrangers, sound designers and even, DJs are an artistic and dynamic force to reckon with internationally.

In Singapore, the explosion of music programmes on TV and Radio to showcase emerging talents on "Project SuperStar", "SuperBand", "Campus SuperStar", "S-POP Hurray!" Songwriting Competition, "Anugerah", "Vasantham Star", "Singapore Idol", "Live n Loaded", and "Battle of the Bands" and large-scale indie music festivals like Baybeats have celebrated all that is proudly home-grown.

New opportunities also come from Singapore’s Films, Telemovies, TV Dramas, Documentaries, Infotainment, Sitcoms, Children’s programmes, Animation series, Games, and Musicals as they make inroads into international markets. Singapore’s songwriting and performing talents can reach new audiences through their songs and scores featured in the content.

It augurs well that Singapore's Music can only grow bigger, brighter and better!

To support the development, growth and exposure of the next generation of Singapore Talents and their Music, MDA invites companies to submit proposals on initiatives to meet the following objectives:

Singapore as a Digital Music Hub
Develop Music Ecosystem to grow the Singapore Music Industry
Develop Music Services to support local content productions

Submission guidelines

Please submit your proposal by Tuesday, 7 April 2009 to

For enquiries, you may send an email to or contact:
Ms Kelly Ann Drysdale
Tel: 6577 3589

Ms Doreen Chua
Tel: 9726 3090
I'll contribute my part. For anybody who is willing to submit a proposal, I'm happy to help review them. I write proposals amounting from 6 to 7 figures from Europe to the US etc as part of my job.

As usual, despite the fact that I think metal actually has the strongest scene going on in here, despite being pretty underground.
i think the problem is the singapore general population's close-mindedness, having the impression that all metal = satanic and should not be promoted.
Screw them, not as though we are playing to entertain the general population in Singapore anyway. :), promote overseas, better response, particularly from europe.

Singapore, not BRUTAL enough! :mrgreen: HAHA
James, you have my full support.

I believe a number of recording studios may apply for this. So to win the grant, the proposal needs to be something innovative in developing talents - something different to make it stand out from the others. Perhaps people can chip in to brainstorm.
Matthewchj may have something there - his remark about those older than 30 years old. The point is not to stick to one genre, or a genre a particular age group is interested in. The first assessment criterion states generating new employment. Most teenagers don't work but study. That doesn't mean we don't target the younger population (which will fit the other assessment criteria), but that the age need to extend to the working population - which will mean a wide genre (to perhaps including classical, film etc).
That's a good point. But then there are still some local artists who play music that's on the softer side, either acoustic or softer rock. However yes, I do agree that the scene here is largely heavier stuff like metal. So yeah, i guess local artists could start targeting a larger audience. That might help.
Yeah, I agree with that. You rarely see people older than 30 listening to metal.

$%^ NO WAY MAN! I don't really know about Singapore but a large proportion of the metal crowd in Australia and Western Europe are in their 30s! They are the generation that MADE metal!
James, you need to set up a company which is an audited private limited company. It will be good if you could present a detailed resume about the management team to be submitted to the Investment Panel?

Give them a 5 year revenue projection model. They are looking at you to generate income and create wealth (and employment as well) for the nation as well.

Btw, jamming studios have no way in hell of getting this grant/ investment mini-loan.
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$%^ NO WAY MAN! I don't really know about Singapore but a large proportion of the metal crowd in Australia and Western Europe are in their 30s! They are the generation that MADE metal!

that is because these places were exposed to metal much more earlier, and it was much more accepted in the mainstream since a long time ago, compared to singapore, where the metal scene has just become more socially acceptable compared to 10 years ago (though local metal bands have already existed since ages ago).
Well, you have to admit that Metal does not really appeal to the masses out there that are growing up on chinese ballads, bubblegum pop or mainstream music. Most Singaporeans generally listen to whatever is on the radio and gladly accept it, but do not even bother trying to sample other music. And interestingly, they immediately pass judgement on music that does not belong to "their genre" without even listening to them.

Believe me. This is very much real. My bunk in camp, is able to blast Jason Mraz everynight without fail. But before I can even play Anberlin they immediately scream at me for listening to "trash" =.=