mat-rockers revivals.


New member
Recently,one of my malay friends suggested to me for a revival for mat-rocks music and style in general.I say why not? so here i am, anyone (regardless of race), wants to get together for jams etc and gaining more similar genre friends.Please pm me,Lets revive the mat-rock style and music! :D
yah la..detroit red..all about the "botak is cool with earrings" image and cannot accept rockers' images.. I know,this is singapore,that is why i wanna form this get-together,and try a revival of "mat-rock" genre. If you are a mat rock inside,why not join us..:)
i saw a few mat rokers recently jamming at beat merchant.I think theyre playing some dp rainbow n other stuffs.
Yes,that should be the way.I saw more mat-rocks in full gear Search 1986 style recently. It is good to mix with them and jam more.Believe me they are more peaceful than some animals in the corporate jungles.
wat he meant was the hair style...
those wild hairdo that mat rockers had during those days...
they term it gondrong...
not to forget the "ding-dong" style...
hehehe :wink:
Juno said:
wat he meant was the hair style...
those wild hairdo that mat rockers had during those days...
they term it gondrong...
not to forget the "ding-dong" style...
hehehe :wink:

there's such thing as ding dong meh?

anyway who agree with this statement

"rock dalam hati beb, rock dalam jiwa, bukan cara lu pakai, cara orang nampak lu"
bro fgl...
dulu pun rambut panjang gak... :wink:
ask those who hv been thru this "mat rock" phase in the 80's..
i'm sure they know wat i'm talking about... :P

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