making a jbass sound like a pbass!


New member
Hey guys, hope I don't sound too noob by asking this question. Thing is, after going jamming recently I realised that my jbass wasn't really cutting it for the songs I'm currently playing. Kinda fast stuff which needs that driving tone. So was wondering if I could firstly do anything with my settings to make my jbass sound more.. oomphier and less trebly. More like a pbass I guess? If you know what I mean. Worse comes to worse I don't mind switching out my pups. So any suggestions? Thanks in advance!
trick...set bridge pick up to i/4 and full for neck, roll off tone knob. pluck between the neck p/up and the neck...deeeep

make sure u put on your life vest
you can do all that.. but i still think it sounds kinda different -) i buy into a lot of what the marketing guys tell me.. -)
Looks like you should replace 'crapniess' and 'GAS' with 'Good Ears' and 'Marketing Victim' :D Long time no see bro. But you are most true. Split and single coils are different, and also pickup different areas of vibration on the string. If I wanted to cop a warm P bass tone its easier than a 'clangy' pick tone on a Jazz bass. Just off the bridge pickup and roll off some tone to taste.
Haha, if your prob is cutting through the band then get a COMPRESSOR!

I've seen an EBS Multicomp work wonders for that very purpose. Problem is of course.. its rather pricey.