Macintosh ibook G4

jtsang2501 said:
i'm still interested in using the ibook, but does anyone here know if there's a way to plug in my guitar to the ibook without slurging lotd of cash onyet another device? and is the garageband software really worth getting?

If you are primarily a guitarist with no leaning towards the keys, I guess Garageband will keep you occupied for quite a while.
It's basically a loop playback software with simple recording facilities.

In the meanwhile here's some audio interfaces for guitars:

This one looks good with pedal effects in software.
If you afford it, you might want to look at this:
(needs at least a G4 733 Mhz processor)

if im primarily a guitarist with no leaning to the keys?
heh.. if i am primarily a guitarist with slight leaning to the keys would it really be very different?

i do know how to play the keyboard.. granted not as well as would like!

thanx for the help. i think ill still spend my last few months in army thinking if the ibook is really a worthwhile investment.
jtsang2501 said:
heh.. if i am primarily a guitarist with slight leaning to the keys would it really be very different?

Because if you're a keyboardist, you would want something with a better MIDI sequencer. The MIDI sequencing portion isn't given a lot of space on the website so I can only assume that it is rudimentary. After all, Apple is smart enuff not to let it compete with LOGIC EXPRESS!
Also it helps to find out more about the main programs you'd be using for the purpose. It is an important factor when it comes to buying a computer. I'd suggest you come up with a budget and work from there to get the most suitable hardware & software for your needs. Once you have an idea what you want, perhaps you'd like to do a little research on the products(eg. user forums, music forums) before the purchase.
jtsang2501 said:
i was also thinking of getting an ibook for recording purposes, mainly using the garage band software. but when i actually saw an ibook, i realised it dint even have a line in slot for audio devices.

There are external devices that perform a line in slot function.
ChanMin said:
im thinking a 2-3k ibook is more then enough computer to last me around 4 years of school projects web surfing... music recording on garage band... some simple photo/video stuff....etc... i dun game .

I'm also using garage band on my iMac G5. Just stock up on ram and you'll be doing fine for quite some time. :rock: