Macintosh ibook G4

Mac user here. My mac has yet to hang and there is no blue screen of death. iBooks are very versatile, whatever configurations you use. It's one of the best notebook you can get for that price. I used to own a iBook G3, really missing it. Was a real workhorse.

The stability of OS X is really unsurpassed. I've a high end gaming rig at home, which hangs now and then. :mrgreen:
Stability of a 'puter also depends on what we do :l
1) *pirated* software
2) connecting it to the 'net to d/l programs (exposing it to the likelihood of virus attacks).
3) not doing regular housecleaning by removing unwanted demo programs.

all compromise the stability.
lowjk said:
Stability of a 'puter also depends on what we do :l

For the PC
1. I don't buy pirated software.
2. I dont download froM P2P.
3. I do housecleaning.

Just some background on where I'm coming from. So I think it was a very fair comparison.
gruel said:
mac BOO!!!!!!

PC YAY!!!!

+1 ..

i use a stock config athlon xp 2k

windows XP pro but so far no blue screen never tio virus ... onli pop ups but i killed em all .

i almost bought a mac for my notebook but i realised ... mac software suite wise is pretty decent suite except when u wan to run 3rd party programs / games and do whatever else .

very limited . not as versatile as a PC i would say ...

anyway y i book ? go for a powerbook ... now you are talking performance :D
Lifehouse said:
lowjk said:
Stability of a 'puter also depends on what we do :l

For the PC
1. I don't buy pirated software.
2. I dont download froM P2P.
3. I do housecleaning.

Just some background on where I'm coming from. So I think it was a very fair comparison.

Very good then. But there are also reports of instability of the MAC with certain configurations.

In Dec 04 Sound On Sound, a Mr Glenn Skinner, a professional music producer who runs a G5 with Pro Tools & Logic 7 Pro, had such bad crash trying to run Sculpture (a virtual synth in Logic 7) that he could not restart his MAC.

So 1 stable MAC doesn't mean all MAC are stable.
Neither does 1 PC crash mean that all PCs are unstable.
i have not use the ibook but sometime back, i used a powermac 7600 to run Opcode Studio Vision and a Qudra 600 to run ProTools. Both were running fine. Currently, I am using mainly PC because I am using Sony Vegas instead.

What application do you want to run on the ibook? music/audio stuff?

Hi Jim,

Wah!? You must really be an multimedia expert !?

What is Powermac 7600? Is it a G4?
What is the Opcode Studio Vision? What can it do?

What is a Qudra 6000? Is it a Mac machine?
What version of Pro Tools are you using?

What is Sony Vegas? Does it run only on PC?

WOW! You must be an expert ?!
Can I enroll in your Soft multimedia Class ?

yours sincerely,
Re: Big MAC

choon wai, you really testing if i will ban you right?

for those who don't know, bongman = stevearson = synthman

do a search to see his previous post and see why i ban him.

bongman said:
Hi Jim,

Wah!? You must really be an multimedia expert !?

What is Powermac 7600? Is it a G4?
What is the Opcode Studio Vision? What can it do?

What is a Qudra 6000? Is it a Mac machine?
What version of Pro Tools are you using?

What is Sony Vegas? Does it run only on PC?

WOW! You must be an expert ?!
Can I enroll in your Soft multimedia Class ?

yours sincerely,
lowjk said:
Very good then. But there are also reports of instability of the MAC with certain configurations..

I'm not a professional user. I don't run all these Pro Tools stuff. I'm an end user. I want minimal fuss when I use a system. So I'm talking from my experience. You do not necessary have to agree with me. My Macs have never crashed, my PCs yes. And I own more PCs now than Macs. But for what I do, the Mac serve the purpose better.
Re: Big MAC

soft said:
you really testing if i will ban you right?

Halo Expert Jim,

Why are you so impatient? Pls dun be angry.
I am only asking you some questions wat?
At the same time provide some comic relief.
This is a forum to discuss music/IT interest,
I'm just very keen to learn more about computer music
especially Macintosh. I'm considering to buy one and I've
found out the 64-bit Power G5 is S$2888 which is very affordable.
I always thought an Apple PC costs an arm and a leg.

I am wondering why you keep thinking he is who he is I am?
And now you think I am an ang mo? Anyway if you think I am
asking too many questions, then I'll ask less lo...

Singapore is a fine country and it is always
a sunny day when we our lives are run by PAP.
Pls dun ban me, I am only the piano player.
Maybe you can fine me since Singapore is a fine country;
I've donated a Keyboards instructional book with tape and
I can donate another course book, err... anybody wants a
Rhythm Guitar masterclass book? Pls PM/email me.

Lifehouse said:
lowjk said:
Very good then. But there are also reports of instability of the MAC with certain configurations..

I'm not a professional user. I don't run all these Pro Tools stuff. I'm an end user. I want minimal fuss when I use a system. So I'm talking from my experience. You do not necessary have to agree with me. My Macs have never crashed, my PCs yes. And I own more PCs now than Macs. But for what I do, the Mac serve the purpose better.

I'm neither for PC or MAC.

It is surprising that LOGIC 7 can crash a MAC cosnidering that APPLE owns both, since one would expect APPLE to exercise control over compatibility.

It is even more surprising that this can happen to a pro level setup. If it crashes on a hobbyist's system, it bad enough; but to crash on a pro level setup is ridiculous. The producers just can't tell Sting, "I'm sorry but you have to come back another day; my Pro Tools is down."

I'm not here to start a PC vs MAC war but to offer an alternate view, pointing out pitfalls that a prospective buyer should be aware of.
big MAC


I am considering to buy a Macintosh to run my music sequencer
and I've been to some Apple shops to ask about my needs. But
the solution provided by the salesmen seems inconsistent.

The options (all in SGD):
Power Mac G5 - $2888
Power Book G5 - $3088
iMac G5 - $2488
eMac - $1488
iBook G4 - $1848

- The salesman suggested iMac G5 but I'm wondering is it powerful
enough in the long run besides doing music sequencing, I may be
involved in video/film scoring ???
- If I just restrict myself to do music, can an iBook be good enough
to do music sequencing ???
- How about eMac? Is it powerful enough to do music sequencing ???

Thank you if anyone can help me. Cheers!!!

Re: big MAC

If you want raw power over portability, consider a dual opteron 240 system. It's more powerful than a dual G5 2.5 ghz system if you're running Cubase.

If you do music, it depends on what you run
- mainly midi : even a processor from the late 90's can cope
- mainly midi + few tracks of audio : need a processor > 1 GHZ and a fast hard disk (7,200 rpm and above)
- midi + softsynth : > 2GHZ processor
- Midi + softsynth + software FX + Reason all running at the same time : consider a dual processor system

Yes, you can use a e-mac if you are just sequencing - no audio, no softsynth or effects.

ps - the iMAC looks nice but I find it ergonomically akward trying to reach over to the side of a monitor to insert a disc. I don't know about you but one of the best thing about a big screen is to sit back and enjoy the display. NOT sitting close up to the screen so that you can change your discs easily.
Lifehouse said:
I'm not a professional user. I don't run all these Pro Tools stuff. I'm an end user. I want minimal fuss when I use a system. So I'm talking from my experience. You do not necessary have to agree with me. My Macs have never crashed, my PCs yes. And I own more PCs now than Macs. But for what I do, the Mac serve the purpose better.

thats exactly what i need... little or no fuss... the 1.33mhz ibook g4 14inch seems to be more then enough for my needs... power book prices start from at least 3.6k all the way to the 5k ++ realm... way too much for me...
im thinking a 2-3k ibook is more then enough computer to last me around 4 years of school projects web surfing... music recording on garage band... some simple photo/video stuff....etc... i dun game .
hi. im an nsman waiting to ord..
i was also thinking of getting an ibook for recording purposes, mainly using the garage band software. but when i actually saw an ibook, i realised it dint even have a line in slot for audio devices.

i'm still interested in using the ibook, but does anyone here know if there's a way to plug in my guitar to the ibook without slurging lotd of cash onyet another device? and is the garageband software really worth getting?

if i do get the ibook it'll be for my next few years partially for school work and net stuff.. i dun do gaming anyway.

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