Lunarin performs at Read My Lips: NUS arts fest 8 March 2007

no the beer is for sis demeter sis to drink while waiting for the guitarist to finish his "sweet child o' mine" solo with video closeup
sis demeter-music sis...........

BUT WHY????????????????????

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

I'm rikings you slightly oh so slightly less than before but I still rikes you.
sis demeter-music sis...........

BUT WHY????????????????????

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

I'm rikings you slightly oh so slightly less than before but I still rikes you.
demeter-music: I dun eat beef anymore.

Fu ck you!!! It makes my blood boil!!! What the hell's wrong with your band?!?!?

First, the guitarist quits alcohol. And the drummer's getting married. Now you donch eat beef!!!

Is the end of days truly upon us?!?!? :cry:
Come to think of it, you have a point. We HAVE been making many drastic changes since the last album... in case I haven't told you guys chances are I am not using my wah for the new album.
sis demeter-music sis...........

BUT WHY????????????????????

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

I'm rikings you slightly oh so slightly less than before but I still rikes you.
demeter-sis: Come to think of it, you have a point. We HAVE been making many drastic changes since the last album... in case I haven't told you guys chances are I am not using my wah for the new album.

I'm cashing out all my shares and stocks... Armageddon is upon us!!!

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