lost bag of pedals :(

it'd be good to check out cash converters as well!

It's the same story everywhere, I lost my bag of cables at a gig as well (i'm in Melbourne now), and till this day, it still reeks. They were all from Luther Music, all the premium stuff. Kinda sad, but now I have to make do with planet waves at least until I get back to Singapore...

another band's guitarist left his guitar on the stage to get a beer, and boom...it was gone by the time he came back. Gibson LP Custom. He lodged in a police report due to the value and sent mailers to Cash Converters and pawn shops with his guitar's photo and s/n, and good for him, it turned out at one of the Cashies outlet, but the thief ran away leaving the guitar there.

lesson learnt; take pictures of your gear, inscribe/ put stickers or markings in the cavities so that if it were stolen and the guitar was sent to a technician he'd be able to tell.

Good luck with your search though. Hopefully you'll find it, and meanwhile, if you do save up and purchase another set-up, it'd be worth noting down your s/n and several individual photos!

yeah , should take of of our gears more i guess
my friend lawrence working at tiet studio left his guitar at the guitar stand near the counter , and the moment he walk away it was gone...
i'm not expecting to get my stuff back. =(

anybody selling cheap 2nd hand pedal tuner and/or overdrive? =(
Dude, I feel sorry for you man. But maybe it's just fate ya know? Sometimes look on the bright side, maybe this is how you pay for your bad deeds without getting physically harmed, good luck with acquiring your items.

Sad news, saturday at DXO ( at Deafcon 8 ) I left a greyish-blue shoebag behind, and it's missing now.

Inside there's an SM58 Shure Mic, Boss CE3 chorus, MXR m80 DI, Korg DT-10 Tuner and a bunch of patch cables and maybe spare bass strings or something. All the stuff is personalized with my name or other things so I'd be able to tell if I saw it anywhere, for sale or whatever.

Altogether the stuff took me about a year's of savings to get, and now I got to start from scratch again =(

I don't expect to get the stuff back, but if any of you have any information, do let me know, please. thank you! a reward would be in order.

sorry to hear tt dude
hope u get ur stuff back
will keep a lookout to see if anyone's sellin 'em..