Lose fit in guitar neck pocket


New member
Hey friends, have any of you people come across this problem while fooling around with different necks? In my case i tried installing a fender neck on my brother's aria strat copy. Everything's as planned but there's a little gap at certain parts of the neck pocket. Should i just fill in the gaps with wood paste? Or are there any better methods around?
luthiers use a shim to fill in these gaps. this refers to a very thin piece of wood (often of laminating properties), cut out to size & inserted in the gaps. some prefer glueing this shim to the body pocket before screwing in the neck. it's unwise to use a wood filler as the secondary objective is to provide a grip between the neck & the body, which isn't part of the filler's 'job scope'...

it's important to have these gaps attended to because if you handle the neck rather roughly, it'd shift/ move & would cause tuning anomalies.
Hmm, i think i'll try out the glue-on shim method. Hope it'll work fine. Thanks for the advice.