loose or tight strings?


New member
i would like to know if you guys prefer playing a electric guitar with looser strings or those not that loose which is kind of tight...
does the thickness of the strings affect how loose it is? but i thought its like how you tune it. when i tune it to the correct tuning, it will be tight.
tight(like malmsteen's leather pants :twisted:)

easier to bend and reach the note i want without 'eating' the other strings.

metal tones have enhanced tone too, darker bassier(in the good way) blah blah blah...
9-42 for me. And only with a float bridge.

If its a fixed bridge, I start to feel the tension and I don't like it... a touch too stiff.

10s will slay my fingers.
I use 11s on standard tuning, but then i've a les paul so i can put on heavy strings without worrying about floating bridge and whatever right? When i play anything like 10 and below it feels like i'm going to pull the strings off the fretboard.
in the 80's and early 90's, tight. VERY TIGHT with Reeboks for that the Iron Maiden look.

in the mid 90's till end, big baggy pants for that Avril Lasagne skater boi look.

now... just normal cos the beer belly have grown.
lubbish ... those were posers ...!!

skate started with spandex >> tight pants>>> then it got bigger since tight pant factories were sued for birth rate drop worldwide and kids had no choice !! :twisted:

KORN re-cycled the Run DMC Adidas thingy ....and Fred Durst was sort of fella who was into anything that would make him star quick !!