looking for practice amp


New member
any recommendations? since its just for practicing at home a small one will do. dont want the neighbors to complain.
oh but im looking for one that can reach a detuned low growl. know what i mean? ah im not good with words :(
just know i need it really really low lol
how low? low B of a 5-string or the tone?

if you're talking about the low B of a 5-stringer, most modern bass amps these days can take the frequency range of a low B.

if you're talking about the tone then that comes under EQ already.
ya about the low B of 5 string. my current amp cmi. sounds like its gonna die trying. messing with the settings doesnt change the sound much
what can i do about EQ?
You can either compress the whole signal, reduce the low freq to prevent your amp from farting out or just get a suitable amp with speaker protection features with decent headroom or you can try using an aural exciter to push the lows w/o clipping the signal .