Looking for performing bands for local gig (Street Jam SG)


Active member
Hello everyone!

On behalf of the organising committee, I’m proud to announce an upcoming Street Jam right here in Singapore! Don’t worry, it will be properly licensced with the proper permits and venue is likely to be in Jalan Pinang/Arab Street, or more directly, beside Beat Merchants studio.

This gig will be out in the streets and will feature 10 top and up-coming local indie bands of today. In all likelihood the gig is most likely to take place in mid September. What I need is for interested band applicants to submit their demos and write-up to:


Bands are required to bring their own instruments (equipment like drums & amplifiers etc. will be provided) and themselves only. Also, we would require tickets to be sold by bands to cover costs. Ticket prices depends on cost of location and permits and will only be released upon finalising a line-up.

Please send your best demos in! Links to myspace, other social networking websites that forecast your music is accepted as well. Shortlisted bands will be notified via email. Thanks!