LOOKING FOR Industrial, EBM, electro-crossover in SG


New member
The advent of our band's (divine9) mini tour here in singapore (2 gigs thus far in Home and IJs, one more to go at Gashaus) has sparked a rather interesting train of thought:

a fair number of people have come up to us and have asked where they can find similar material after our sets and I am at a loss to tell them about local equivalents, despite Singapore being the country of my birth.

Other than A Butterfly Caught which has aptly industrial and harder influences, there seem to be very few musicians in singapore that have the same calling

if possible, can I have a show of hands who might be similarly inspired by industrial. EBM or have electro-crossover interests?
This would also aid us in liasing with local promoters for a suitable lineup

(also a personal interest in listening to such music live locally as well as helping the dark alternative scene - cyberpunk/goth/industrial flourish)

For a good idea of the stylistic I'm referring to, check out:
Divine 9 (us)
Nine Inch Nails
VNV Nation
The Prodigy
Funker Vogt
Das Ich
Apoptygma Bezerk
L'ame Immortelle
Switchblade Symphony
hey dude, siva here, we met before..this country really lacks electronic and industrial acts but there are a few good ones around like the analog girl, george chua and so on, most of them are solo projects but if ur looking for an electronic crossover, i dont really think theres one around

oh but my band does electronica/post rock, somewhat similar to what your band does, just that our music is wayyy lighter and more ambient, think chillout with a darker vibe...yea dude add me on msn or what we can talk more there.


- Siv
Here is 1 hell of a rare gothic industrial band from Singapore.

Then here is another 1 hell of a rare post-black/death electro metal from Singapore too, which until now he is farking very lazy to release the complete 4 tracks. Heheheh.... :lol:
Mostly influence from post-black industrial/electro metal generation. That of course if the industrial purists would recognise such new sub-genre.

Other than dat, I'm not sure. The Choir Of Agony guy has his own complete line up band which was I think gothic death metal or so? Not sure.
Eh, Mark. You can try Phorous (http://www.phorous.com) for an indie-rock-electro thing they have going. Or The Death Of Cinema which has some electro influences (http://www.thedeathofcinema.com). Nick (TDOC) has his other project, MUON going on which is more ambient. Both projects use live drummers to supplement the samples, etc. Prana vs. r-H is more of a live jamming electro thing where Pat Chng (TypeWriter) will play sitar over r-H's hip-hop, blangra beats where Kelvin Tan (Oddfellows) will solo over everything. There was a short-lived band, Holidays On Saturday which played live house and trip-hop with a bassist and 2 keyboardists (who used up to 7 keyboards and sequencers live. Hardcore.)

The live electronic movement in S'pore is more geared towards the IDM and glitch. Or at least, those I'm more familiar with. There's a couple of new guys coming up. We, The Divers are pretty good.

Hey Siva, please send me your stuff to take a listen. I'm keen. Thanks!
wow that choir of agony guy is good. Haunting yet beautiful, thanks for the intro! I tried checking divine 9 out but couldnt find anything on them.
Thanks for the tips willy! I'm about to put in a proposal for an industrial-type night soon. Perhaps live electronic is a more suitable approach.

Do you know anyone who does live dance music though?

I managed to catch Muon live at "decline of the vocalist" at Razi's event last week. They were pretty good

AgingYouth said:
Eh, Mark. You can try Phorous !
mourn said:
wow that choir of agony guy is good. Haunting yet beautiful, thanks for the intro! I tried checking divine 9 out but couldnt find anything on them.

this would help:

:) I'm not surprised you haven't heard of us - we've been banned for a bush bashing song on radio west back in australia and since then its been hard getting on air. Besides, we are indie and very hardcore about it. do have a listen :)
saito said:
Morbidus said:
I'm very interested.

Check out Collide too.

yes very familiar with collide stuff

looking for Singapore LOCAL industrial/EBM or any live dance music

Sorry I was adding on to your list in your first post.

Well, I don't know any as the scene here is really very small. My ex band used to play darkwave though.

As for me, I'm really interested to be part of the industrial/EBM scene.

Happy new year to you too.
I'm not surprised you haven't heard of us - we've been banned for a bush bashing song on radio west back in australia and since then its been hard getting on air. Besides, we are indie and very hardcore about it. do have a listen

hmm perhaps. After working in a radio station for over 7 yrs in australia. id believe id get that somehow but but hmm

Ok had a listen, Nice synth works etc etc. Not a fan of the voice ...love the idea & arrangement...hate the production. Hey at least i speak honestly :p
mourn said:
I'm not surprised you haven't heard of us - we've been banned for a bush bashing song on radio west back in australia and since then its been hard getting on air. Besides, we are indie and very hardcore about it. do have a listen

hmm perhaps. After working in a radio station for over 7 yrs in australia. id believe id get that somehow but but hmm

Ok had a listen, Nice synth works etc etc. Not a fan of the voice ...love the idea & arrangement...hate the production. Hey at least i speak honestly :p

Thanks for your input

which radio station were you working in? Groove? Fremantle? Nova? 96fm?
Or RTR fm? Or Radiowest, Curtin, Triple J?
I'm a huge fan of Front Line Assembly (Bill Leeb) and Skinny Puppy.

any Singaporeans here like these bands too? :)
cevin said:
I'm a huge fan of Front Line Assembly (Bill Leeb) and Skinny Puppy.

any Singaporeans here like these bands too? :)

of course.

FLA - plasticity is my favorite track of theirs :)

They are also the genuises behind the project "delirium"

:) - very promising.

Hope more people respond
saito said:
cevin said:
I'm a huge fan of Front Line Assembly (Bill Leeb) and Skinny Puppy.

any Singaporeans here like these bands too? :)

of course.

FLA - plasticity is my favorite track of theirs :)

They are also the genuises behind the project "delirium"

:) - very promising.

Hope more people respond

you know what...

PLASTICITY is my fave FLA track!!!

I'm a huge Bill Leeb, Rhys Fulber & Chris Peterson fan, therefore I have most of their side-projects.
and old Delerium til 'Karma' album is brilliant, the last few albums could b better.

now anticipating both FLA and Delerium new albums coming soon this yr!!!

btw I doubt many ppl will respond to this cuz there isn't any Industrial scene here in Singapore. but I'm sure there are quite a number of Industrial fans here, but its hard to find em.
cevin said:
saito said:
cevin said:
I'm a huge fan of Front Line Assembly (Bill Leeb) and Skinny Puppy.

any Singaporeans here like these bands too? :)

of course.

FLA - plasticity is my favorite track of theirs :)

They are also the genuises behind the project "delirium"

:) - very promising.

Hope more people respond

you know what...

PLASTICITY is my fave FLA track!!!

I'm a huge Bill Leeb, Rhys Fulber & Chris Peterson fan, therefore I have most of their side-projects.
and old Delerium til 'Karma' album is brilliant, the last few albums could b better.

now anticipating both FLA and Delerium new albums coming soon this yr!!!

btw I doubt many ppl will respond to this cuz there isn't any Industrial scene here in Singapore. but I'm sure there are quite a number of Industrial fans here, but its hard to find em.

Wonderful :)

if that's the case, you should like VNV Nation and Funker Vogt too :)

I'm basically trying to angle an industrial club night with some industry friends over here for personal interest as well as market testing

so far it looks rather small, as it was 10 years ago when I tried something too. But then again, its singapore. Sometimes one wouldn't know until one tries