looking for indie drummer cf. appleseed cast, sunny day real estate, velvet teen, etc

hi guys, i'm looking for a drummer i can collaborate with on a recording project. it would be excellent if you have the means to record your own drums. skill is important, but above all i'm looking for a gentle and patient person to work with. drummers with big egos need not respond.

i'm thinking of producing a 5-6 song EP. i have acoustic demos of the songs, but i intend to take the electric route and the songs will need drums which i can't produce on my own. will be most happy to share the demos with you if you want to hear them.

not to suggest that what i intend to create will sound anything like these bands but this is just an indication of what i've been listening to and getting inspired by lately: nick drake, siamese-dream era smashing pumpkins, sunny day real estate, broken social scene, the pains of being pure at heart, amongst many others.

please contact me at whammerhead@hotmail.com if you are at all interested. don't pm please. thanks for reading!