Looking for Chinese/Canto/Hokkien vocalist


New member
Hey folks, we're looking for a lead singer to rock the stage with us.
We're doing all Chinese/Canto/Hokkien songs, so our setlist would include artistes like (non exhaustive):
1. Wu Yue Tian
2. Shin
3. Beyond
4. Power Station

Bluntly, we're looking for a charismatic lead singer that has great showmanship. Not that vocal talent is secondary, but you know, all in the package. The only purpose of our band at this point is to play gigs, hence the need for a great frontman to woo the crowd...and more importantly, the paying venue owners.

We're all early 30s, got day jobs, families and all. Sessions would most prob be on weekday nights.
Thanks for reading, and if it sounds good for you, do write to me at grumpytoad@ymail.com