looking for BC Rich Beast


New member
Hello guys, I need your help to recommend and tell me which guitar store selling Bc Rich Beast in Singapore. And how much i can get for these models :

Beast Platinum Series
Beast NJ Series
Beast Bronze Series

anything just PM me. thanks softies :)
Fuuuuukin dammit man...

I had a BC Rich NJ Series Beast, Black in colour i bought back in 2003. And i friggin sold it. I still have the original HARDCASE though. (case that has the exact bc rich beast shape)

If you want it, please contact me eh?

Fuuuuukin dammit man...

I had a BC Rich NJ Series Beast, Black in colour i bought back in 2003. And i friggin sold it. I still have the original HARDCASE though. (case that has the exact bc rich beast shape)

If you want it, please contact me eh?


wow what a lost man, you had sold the most brutal axe in the world haha. someone offer me a secondhand platinum pro series beast for 700SGD. Im still on survey. hope you guys can help me. ;)