Local Music Revival


New member
There has been significant increase in the local music scene of late! Record labels are opening up, the press has been giving positive exposure to bands. I am starting a new .com to help promote the local scenes further (Don't worry. Am not a competitor of soft.com.sg :) ) and am looknig for bands to profile. Please, leave your band details in this tread with genre of music and possible website link. Music samples appreciated. Hardcore bands also welcomed.

hi Violet

would you like to contribute to soft.com.sg instead? if we can pull our resources together, we can do more. As of now, there are already quite a few websites promoting the local music scene but we are all small websites that can hardly make any impact to the Singapore majority less say the World.

How do you feel?
yea Violet you ought to consider his proposition. Divided we are weak, but united we can break through all barriers.
what do you propose?
I think we should really start creating like an online magazine for local bands. like the real deal, interviews, rumours etc, Generate a serious entertainment circle like what other countries do!
hi violet_ng

are you good with editorial stuff? we can always enhance soft.com.sg to include the things that you've mentioned.
i'm good at writing entertainment stuff. crazy angles and promotional one. i think soft.com.sg is rather 'formal' right now, if you don't mind me saying, and it'd be nice to do something more like www.rollingstone.com
like a real online mag and eventually who knows, maybe even distribution!

well guys i think this is a great thing tht ure doing man... hell to those pple tht does not believe in local music.. and hail those tht are wrking hard to promote the scene here.. respect.. and yea i somehow do agree with violet.. oh well.. will support u guys man..
violet, you are the person that i am looking for!!! :lol:

honestly, we need all the expert help we can get. maybe we could meet up and discuss more? or you can email me at info@soft.com.sg

Chinese rock band

lineup luwei - voice/guitar , Alex - guitar/voice , Woon - drums , Frankie - bass

4 originals so far but havn't done recording yet......... still waiting 4 james 2 give us a chance 2 do the compliation........ another 2 on the way......

can invite u 2 c us jam if u dun mind.......

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
hehehe, actually I wanted to come in and steal your potential editor. :D

But it's good to see soft.com.sg start a new intiative to create something new. Looks like it's gonna be a busy year ahead of you eh James? compilation CD and new web-zine...

what's next eh? :D

wanna 'steal' my potential editor!!! dont lah, wait everyone have to bear with my lousy england when i start writing again. :P

I like to take things one step at a time. Slowly build up the website. (actual meaning: not enough manpower and dollars)
hehehe ... i know what you mean. :)

Anyway, work for the compilation CD is enough to kill. :twisted:

If you are coming by BarNone tonight, I'd wanna intro the guys who wrote the Friday local music article to you. One of them is a soft.com.sg fan. :)
Heheh, thanks for the beers!! I'd buy you back the next time round...

Shit, I drank 8+ bottles and a pint of Kilkenny!!

I'm absolutely stoned now! :D
to everyone who went down to bar none,

thank you for your all support and raving for local music! i'm pretty sure the bands (highrise, electrico and ourselves) enjoyed ourselves thoroughly! incredible experience, thank you so much for giving all of us a ambition to work towards for; to bring the local music to life and letting it flourish! it was awesome. for those of you who were there and if we didn't have the honour to shake yoru hand, head to our website and do sign up to our mailing list! We'll be updating you guys with gigs and updates (not just of ronin but of other local bands too!)

thanks to highrise who were awesome. pretty pressurizing for a maiden gig but trust me u guys did better than our first gig at club oosh! and of course to our friends from Electrico whom we enjoy playing with immensely.

levan (Ronin)
highrise was priviledged to have shared the Bar None stage with Ronin and Electrico on 25th October for our debut gig. We are exhilarated to have had the opportunity to share our passion for music; and we had fun doing it. Heartfelt thanks to Ronin and Electrico (both of you rawk! :twisted: )... everyone who turned up to support local music... friends, for their valuable comments and encouragement when we were rehearsing... Boon Studio (No.17 Tai Thong Crescent) and Uncle Bernard for hosting our rehearsals... and everyone else along the way, who contributed to making highrise a reality. Cheers.

(Kok Leong, Mon, Lawrence, Islinda, Tim)

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