Local basketball team


New member
Singapore has a basketball team playing in the Australian league. They are called Singapore Slingers singaporeslingers.com

I used to stay in australia & followed the Perth Widcats then. But now I'L stick with da sg slingers:)

See how the aussies, they expand all the way in Asia. From their bands to their sport teams. They expand big time.

Can't wait for their season to begin in Sep.

If any yall wanna support slingers & watch em live post here. There will be cheerleaders performing too on all home games;)
Some pics of the slingers


They say HIP HOP MUSIC & BASKETBAL go hand in hand. STREET ARTS YEAH> Check out da cool dreadlock. HIP HOP JAMAiCAN STYLE man


Doesn't his dreadlock make him look like the Lion logo. Coincidence or wattaz? This guy is the LEAGUE MVP last season...


Singapore Slingers playing at the Singapore Inddor Stadium
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More pics. I know yall wanna see the cheerleaderssssssss


Singapore Slingers playing at the Singapore Inddor Stadium. I see a cheer leader:)


I see CHEER LEADERSSSSSSSSSSSSS;) Lets steal some for our music videos. lol

So who wants to watch the team or the cheer leaders?
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